Dinner surprise

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Before I even start this whoever kept commenting on "Love you robin" bro can you be my friend your comments had me weak ASF 😂😂😂








Third person's pov:

Finney and Robin had a great time at breakfast, than they spent the whole after noon in Robin's rooma and even invited Bruce and Billy, Vance and Griffen we're half brother and had to meet up with their dad. But it wasn't too bad they mainly played just dance and ordered pizza for lunch. Finney ended up having to go home around 8 though for dinner. His dad had a special announcement apparently for him and Gwen so Robin ended up walking him home both of them hand in hand. That was until they got to Finney's door both with shocked expressions. There was buzz? But not just him he was with Matt and Finney's dad. When buzz and Terrance took notice on the two they were livid.

Buzz's pov:

I headed over to Finney's house because his dad invited me over for dinner, his dad seemed for fond of me than that bastard Robin. Which I was happy about bc there would be no complications with his family and me. His sister Gwen though.. she gets on my nerves and completely hates me. But it's whatever. When I arrived I saw Gwen looking out the window like she was waiting for someone? I don't know who because Finn should be home by what he told me. I knocked loudly but not too loud so I was being rude and Mr.Blake opened the door,"Finney's not with you?" "No he said he was going home this morning I thought he was here?" There was a pause before he looked behind me looking angry, I aswell turned around and saw Finn with that fucking- Robin hand in hand. Finny took noticed and started looking nervous saying good bye or something to his friend, giving him a hug and walking over to us. "Look dad sor-" "You are not to go near that boy anymore do you understand." "But-." "Do you fucking understand?" Silence. "Good now come inside dinner is ready and im ready to share the surprise." Mr. Blake walked inside still mad, but me I was furious.
I grabbed his around and shoved him into the wall,"What happened to picking me before your fucking friends." "Uhm please let go it kinda hurts." "You know what else hurts getting fucking backstabbed by your boyfriend." I slapped him. "Stop fucking hanging out with Robin or else a slap isn't all you're getting. I released his arm.

Finney's pov:

After he let go of my arm I started crying,"Awe baby you know I didn't mean to hurt you, you just made me mad." "Please stop crying it really makes you look ugly and we don't want that do we I mean you're already starting to gain so much weight didn't you say you wanted to loose some ??" I look at him and started wiping away my tears, "I-i know I'm sorry for making you mad.." "And yeah I do.. I'll stop eating so much and crying.." "it's okay, yk I can't stay mad now let's go in and your dad can share his surprise okay??" I just nodded. We went inside and took a seat at the dining table. The same women from a couple days before still there.
After we are my dad and the women stood up I just looked a Gwen but she shrugged sharing the same confusing state. "Kids this is Martha, my new girl and your new mother." I dropped my fork. I couldn't believe him. He's already trying to replace mom. Who the hell did he think he was. I quickly got up and ran to my room. This was bullshit.
Gwen came up a while later, than left when buzz came in to "comfort" me. He wasn't helping at all. I wish Robin was here right now he'd tell me some things to cheer me up. Buzz wasn't even trying he was trying to make me feel guilty for letting Robin walk me home. It's in times like these I wish I wasn't dating him.

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