the break up

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Finney's pov:

I woke up still on call with Robin, buzz usually hangs up in glad Robin stayed on call though. He made plans to meet up with me later. I heard tapping on my window and turned down the volume on my phone. I got up and saw buzz there. I walked over and opened,"What do you want it's 8 in the morning. Why at you even over here."
"Why the fuck do I need an excuse to see my boyfriend?" I just signed at his statement. "Because we got into an argument and you're just popping up to my house like everything is fine." "Because everything is fine, I just got mad yesterday because of that beaner." Now that made me fucking angry. "YOU DON'T JUST GET YO BULLY ME, DATE ME, AND THAN BE LITTLE MY FRIENDS!" I got thrown across the room. "CALM THE FUCK DOWN! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE YELLING AT ME." "YOU'RE IN NY FUCKING HOUSE." by than we were screaming at eachother and buzz was throwing my shit all of the room. "I think we should take a break." Buzz said about to leave. "No I want to fucking break up." He paused right in front of my door. It was quiet too quiet than he slowly started to approach me. He lunged at my and fucking grabbed my neck. "Why would you fucking want to break up with me..?" "YOU DON'T FUCKING MAKE ME HAPPY. YOU BELITTLE AND HARM ME. YOU ALLOW YOUR FRIENDS TO MAKE ME UNCOMFORTABLE." He released me and I dropped to the ground trying to catch my breath.
"Whatever, I know you have feelings for fucking Robin. Don't come crying to me when he leaves you. Anyone who will ever fucking tell you that they love you is bullshit I couldn't even put up with your shit thats why I'm so fucked up." With those final words he left and I started crying.
I started hearing muffled speaking and remembered Robin was sleeping on the phone. I never muted myself. I quickly got up and went to my phone trying to dry my tears that kept coming. Robin was awake with a worried expression plastered on his face. "Escuché todo, ¿estás bien?" Robin said a saddened tone. "Yeah I'm perfectly fine." Jeez I sound dumb, I just had the biggest fucking voice crack in the book of voice cracks. "I kinda just wanna have some me time,.. I'll call you later Rob promise.." "Okay Finn.. I'll talk to you later.." "Okay bye." I didn't give him a chance to respond I hung up so fast and started having a break down.

Griffen's pov:

I was in the middle of spending my peaceful alone time with Billy when I got a call from Robin. I was reaching for my phone when I heard Billy, "Babe c'mon it's the only time we have alone Robin can wait." He said cuddling closer to me. "Yeah but what if it's important?" He groaned and just said a simple 'okay' while sitting up so he could listen in. I picked up my phone and answered the call,"Yes Robin?" "Go to Finns house." "What-" "Go to Finns house and bring Bruce with you." "What the hell why don't you go?" "He doesn't wanna see me right now, please do this one favor for me." I looked over at Billy and he just gave me a nod meaning it's okay for me to go we'll schedule another time. "Okay fine but you owe me." "Okay thank you." He hung up just as fast as he called. "Awe I'm sorry bill." "It's fine Finney's probably really upset right now I'll just go hang out with Tyler." "Oh ok." I should have been worried about Finney right now but hearing that name ticked me off.

I finally made it to the Blake residence with Bruce. Gwenny and Mr. Blake weren't here so me and Bruce let ourselves in and when we entered Finney's room we ran to him. He looked like he had been crying for almost 2 hours. "Hey hey bud what happened?.." Bruce said trying to get answers. Finney told us what happened, starting from yesterday's events ending with early this mornings fiasco. "Hun he's lying you've know Robin since 5th grade, and we've known him since the 6th." "We all know what buzz said about people loving you isn't true. Robin really and truly does love you for you." "But what if he doesn't. And he just wants to gain something from it." "He doesn't we promise" Bruce said responding rather quickly. After a long while he calmed down and we were all watching tv. Or at least they were I was stalking Billy's Instagram. I saw his story about him and Tyler smoking weed together Tyler being a little too close and touchy.
"Oooh what has you so mad Griffen." Finney and Bruce said in unison. "Fucking Tyler in my grade level math 5th period." "What's wrong with him he seems chill." I rolled my eyes at the comment. "Well all of the juniors got to be in a math period with us sophomores for a day to help us get better, and Billy chose me and Tyler's period." "Uh-huh." Finney said fully invested. "Ever since that fucking day Tyler has been all over Billy and keeps coming up to me saying shit like he's gonna make Billy like him more than me." I said sounding more mad and intended. "And they're fucking hanging out right now." I said showing the Billy story. "Oh shit I see why you're so mad, he's fucking offense." Bruce said. "None taken.." "c'mon don't even think about it I mean Billy would never betray you like that besides Tyler is so not his type." Finney said with a smile. "Thanks Finn I appreciate the comfort." "Ofc now c'mon guys let's watch another episode of Betty boop."

I appreciate everyone who has been reading my book💗 and also very thankful for all the funny and nice comments on it 😂 tysm for reading

We Have Eachother जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें