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Robin's pov:

I made it through 5 periods me and the gang were so bummed out about Finn not talking to us. Vance was getting stressed from knowing he probably loosing a friend that he ditched. Meanwhile Finn was hanging around buzz and his lame ass group. I swear one day I should really kick the shit outta all of them. Always picking on people in front of Finney. Like they're not part of the reason he has PTSD from the bullying. Lame ass people always thinking they're better than someone.
After this period was lunch I was sitting with the gang when I saw Finney on his phone. Perfect opportunity. I texted him to meet me in the bathroom I saw him smile and have quick chat with buzz before leaving. "Hey guys I'ma head to the restroom real quick." I heard some hums of okays and left.

Finney's pov:

It was lunch. Yay. I'd don't pack a lunch today and I don't have money for it. Buzz would never share with me and I feel like Matt and Matty would poison me so I just sat there on my phone. Sitting on the table while buzz talked to his friends, surprisingly he had more friends than just Matt and Matty. There were 3 other boys and 2 girls, Noah, Charlie, Donna, Caleb, and Sidney. They are as bad as the trio but they're still bullies. I'm pretty sure Caleb has a crush on me which is fucking disgusting. He got held back 3 times and he's a senior. I got a message from Robin telling me to meet him in the bathroom,"Hey babe I'm going to the restroom." I said while getting off the table, everyone stopped their conversation to see buzz's reaction. "Yeah okay don't take long." "Okay." I happily skipped passed them to the bathroom. "Robin?" "BOO!" Robin tackled me into a bear hug. "BRO WHAT THE FUCK!" He started cackling but that shit wasn't funny,"Oh my god the look on your face!" "Shut the up before I leave." "Oo yes sir." He said letting me go. "Sooo what did you need?" "This."  I gave him a confused look but he started kissing me. Was this a bad thing? Yeah what if buzz found out. Was I enjoying it. Yeah although I shouldn't. Robin stopped and looked at me with a smirk. "Now Finney Blake why have you been ignoring the gang?" Robin said leaning on the sink. "Wait- what-." "Dude chill out." "You just kissed me than asked me a question out of no where and you want me to chill out?" "What do you want another one??? Scared you liked it?" "No and no. Anyways it's just my dad he doesn't think it's good that I'm friends with you and neither does Buzz.." it was silent for a moment before Robin spoke up.
"Well fuck them, when have we ever given a fuck about them." "Never." "Okay so why is it so different now?" "It's not I just.. don't wanna disappoint them." "But didn't you sneak off just to see me?" Silence. More silence. Even more silence. "Yeah.." "So who would be more disappointed you? Or that shitty boyfriend and dad. Pick your happiness first amor." I just looked at him a smiled. "I swear I love you." "Awe I love you to, and since we're already sneaking around." He came to me and kissed me again, but this time I kissed him back.

No one's pov:

They were enjoying they're time together making out that they notice someone- no a group walk into the bathroom. Until they heard someone speak up,"WHAT THR ACTUAL-"

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