Chapter-30, The Best Thing

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Note ÷ Read the note at the last after reading the chapter.

Akshara and Abhimanyu stood at the entrance of Birla's house, looking at the happy family.

Finally, today, they got married. They were tied together for this and six more births. The vermilion and nuptial chain gave Akshara a different type of glow. Their hands were entwined with each other and they looked at their family blissfully.

Manjiri and Harshvardhan looked at Abhimanyu contended. Akshara was perfect for Abhimanyu by all means. Neil was on a video call with Vansh who called his whole family to see the scene of Birla's house.

Manjiri did the Aarti of Abhimanyu and Akshara and applied the Tilak (vermilion). Akshara entered inside by toppling (with her right foot) the tumbler of rice grain placed on the threshold of the main door. 
As she entered the plate filled with vermilion and water(Aalta) was placed. Akshara put her feet in it and then stepped on the white cloth placed in front of her all the while entwining his hand with Abhimanyu.

Naira and Kartik looked at each other and remembered the day Akshara entered Goenka's house. The day flashed in front of their eyes as they saw Akshara entering a new home, her new home, Birla House.

Naira felt too emotional as she looked at her daughter who was so grown up now. She remembered the baby Akshara who was just a newborn, given in her arms by the nurse. She still remembers her toothless smile whenever she saw Kartik or her. She still remembers how Akshara would barge into her room whenever she needed a head massage and later on she would give her too saying that she loves doing that. How she would come to her academy to see her dance and learn from her. Naira would then teach her and sometimes Akshara would sing a song or two.

Kartik's eyes were moist as he looked at his princess who was now a Queen of someone also. He looked at Abhimanyu who was looking at Akshara too engrossed to care about anything and smiled to himself. He still remembers how she always got away from his scolding by showing her puppy eyes and her innocent face. She still uses the same strategy to get away as she knew her father couldn't resist it even if he tried to. He loved her too much to not fall into the trap and she doesn't back away from getting its advantage.

Kartik chuckled and Naira looked at him. She wiped his tears and side-hug him still looking at her Akshi.

The loud sound of claps took them out of their memories.


After a month,

It was a normal day in Birla's house with lots of talking and banter at the dining table.

Abhimanyu peeked inside the kitchen to see Akshara and Manjiri helping the staff.

"Akshu!" He whisper-yelled.

Akshara and Manjiri both turned around but saw no one. Shrugging their shoulders, they went to the dining table while the staff put the food on the table.

Abhimanyu came after a few moments. As he sat down beside Akshara silently, Akshara looked at him confused.

"Are you coming from the kitchen?" Akshara asked and Abhimanyu denied no.

Akshara nodded but looked at him suspiciously.

As everyone was having the food while talking and teasing each other, Manjiri looked at Harshvardhan who shook his head and looked at Parth who looked away. Parth looked at Shefali who looked at Mahima who looked at her in shock but then denied it and looked at her husband who shook his head. Neil and Nishtha looked at each other confused.

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