Chapter 11 - For Real this Time

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Izuku : You ready?

He looked over to Pyrrha as she looked at him nodding her head. They all looked around seeing each of the guards out with their weapons, quirks or even their fists. They were all staring down on them as the duo looked and inspected the whole room. They both smirked as they then got into position as Izuku raised his fist.

Izuku : LET'S HIT IT

After their simple diversion, they were peacefully walking across the building's hallway.

Izuku : Well this place sure is not secure if every guard were at the canteen. It sure is like a desert here.

Pyrrha : Its already boring cause of this.

Izuku : I don't think I have anything to say about the security since its literally like a walk in the park.

Pyrrha : *sigh* Who in their right mind would just send all of their guards straight to the cafeteria for break. They should've at least had shifts so that they can maintain security of this.

Izuku : Well let's just take it after we are only here for that briefcase.

Pyrrha : But my damn question is why are you doing all of this just for that THING?

Izuku : Ehh *shrugs* Felt like it besides its the only place you can get it.

Pyrrha : *groans* I can't even complain as this fucking place of all has that one only item.

Izuku : Even booked us our way out of here.

Pyrrha : *raises her eyebrow* How did you even book a ride out of here when we're specifically in a building with no Wi-Fi or data because we're in America.

Confused on why they're somehow in America? Well that's actually an easy question to answer. Let's go back to when they were taking the train because I didn't really specify what happened.

As Izuku and Pyrrha were in the train they all sat in their seats as everyone else around them saw that as they also sat. The conductor on the train then spoke through the speaker.

??? : You 2 sure you're ready for this?

Izuku : Absolutely because I'm gonna come back with that damn item one way or another.

Pyrrha : I'm only tagging along cause this boy is just stubborn but I had to support him.

??? : Then buckle up you two cause we're gonna be in one hell of a ride.

They nodded as everyone in the train buckled their seats. When they did the train suddenly undergo a transformation. The walls of the train suddenly changed to be somewhat more round around the ends almost as if its going to be piercing through wind. The front of the change changing to more streamlined one where it can go up to a top speed of mach 60.

Even the inside of the train changed to a more luxurious look making everyone inside get comfortable as the change made them all ready.

Even the inside of the train changed to a more luxurious look making everyone inside get comfortable as the change made them all ready

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