Chapter 5

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I woke up in the morning  with a pounding headache sick to my stomach.The revolting hangover to remind myself of whatever happened last night.It was tragic really.I let out a deep and heavy sigh and fully open my eyes to see the sunshine illuminating  through the windows.Unfamiliar to my surrounding, i try and reach my phone to check on the time but my hand is stuck.Panic washes over me as my eyes wonder around the room.

"Where am i?Am i in a hospital!Oh my God this looks like a ward!"I say to myself loud enough for whoever was on the other side of the door to hear.

"You are awake!Oh thank God."

"MUM...DAD!"I say as i try sitting upright on the hospital bed.Shock evident on my face.

"Honey, you scared the shit out of us."my mother said as she tried to reach in for a hug.

"What happened?Why am i in the hospital?"i asked looking at my dads worried face through my mams shoulder as she hugged me.

The door comes flying open and Taylor walks inside.She quickly runs to my bed."Oh Sel, you are alive.My God you have been out for thirty two hours,".

"THIRTY TWO HOURS!!?What happened?"

"Drugs happened Selina.Once you are discharged you are grounded for a whole month, even after you resume for college,"my father said with so much authority in his voice.

"Oh, Ken.Dont be so hard on her.Atleast let her recover first."my mam tries to defend me.

"I'll get the doctor and tell him you are awake"he said completely ignoring my mam.

"Where is my phone?" I ask and immediately Taylor hands it over to me.I check my phone only to see fifteen new numbers in it of the people i have never heard of.There was around seven missed calls, four from my Bestfriend and the rest from stangers.This makes my stomach to hurt even worse.I try to remember the events from the party but my mind is blank, i cant even put my hand on how i was so careless to overdose drugs enough to end up in a hospital, and regaining consciousness after thirty two hours.If only the night wasn't such a blur.


I have been admitted for three days now.Its been three days and i cannot still remember what happened. Three days lying on this bed.Three days and am already sick of this place.Three good days in a hospital and Riri, my Bestfriend has not come even once to visit me.But am glad because today am being discharged.My mother is already handling the discharge process so i will be out of here soon.I can't take anymore the smell of drugs, the smell of a hospital.Its different, i love it when am in here for official duties.


As we arrived home, my mother helped me reach the door and upstairs to my room.I let a sigh as i sit on my bed.Taking in a deep breathe of the fresh air i had longed for.

"You should rest honey, you almost died and i don't know how i could have handled that,"my mother says with a shaky voice and i know she is about to cry.

"Am sorry mom,am really sorry.I wis....."

"Its okay honey,"she cuts me off.

I lay on my bed and close my eyes.Tomorrow i have to wake up early for college.Its been a long holiday full of bad decissions.I close my eyes and before i know it am sound asleep.This is the most peaceful sleep i have heard in a long time.

" late!"I say to myself as i wake up and head for the bathroom. Am feeling healthy and strong today and its time to resume to my normal life.I get ready quickly and go downstairs for breakfast before i leave for college.

"Honey are you sure you feel strong enough ?"my mother asks me as she serves me breakfast.

"Yes mom.Am okay."

After am done with my breakfast i kiss my mother goodbye and get my bag to head out but am stopped by my fathers voice"Remember young lady, you are grounded.After classes you head straight here.Everyones laundry is your responsibility this month."

Without a word i storm out of the house banging the door as hard and loud as i can.Grate.Just grate.Am grounded and i also have to do everyones' laundry.I should have really applied for colleges far away from home.This is all Riris fault for sweettalking  me into going to the same college as her which was just two miles away from town.My thoughts are clouded as i head for the bus station.Am still having my driving classes and once i finally have my lincence  i can drive myself anywhere i want to go.

Its been a lonely day and i miss my bestfriend. When i had asked Tee if she was okay she told me she was fine and she is the one who came in the ambulance with me when i was brought to the hospital.I still don't get why she never visited or called to check on how i was doing.I also had a lot of questions for her as to how i ended up in the hospital.I have not seen her around college today and i can't really go to her place because am grounded.Just as am about to leave campus i spot Riri in the parking lot with a group of girls laughing.My heart broke at the sight.Jelousy washing over me.I felt betrayed and hurt.I hadn't even realised when a tear drop.She had not come to visit me in the hospital and now she has already replaced me.I sigh as i head out of college to the bus stop.

"SEL!"someone calls for my name and park right in front of me.I was so much consumed in my thoughts i had not seen a car by my side."Hop in.Let me give you a ride"Ken tells me as he steps out of the car.I share around four classes with him and he has been my partner in two of our class  practicals.

"Okay,"Am too exhausted to object and get in the car with him.The drive home is silent and am grateful he din't try to start a conversation with me.He has driven me a number of times so he knows my address.

"Are you okay Sel?You know you can talk to me about anything,"he said as he drove into my drive way.

"Am good Ken.Thank you for the ride home." I said as i got out of the car.

" I will pick you tomorrow morning ."he shouted driving away not giving me a chance to say no.

There is a long honk outside and i know Ken is already here to pick me up as promised.Once we arrived in college i thank him and head for my lecture.

"Sel?"Riri calls out my name.But i don't look back.Where has she been all this days.Am too disappointed in her to even look her in the eyes.The day goes by quick and am glad Riri hasn't tried reaching out again.

"I was waiting up for you.Come, i will drive you home."

"So you are now my chauffeur?"i asked Ken as i closed my locker.Just as i was about to get in the car i saw Justin.Justin the man i was in love with a few weeks ago and completely forgot about him after the whole hospital ordeal .That is when i remembered, i saw him at the party.Or maybe not, i was too wasted.And my memories of seeing him too blurry.Wait why is he at my college?Does he school here?.I was asking myself this questions, my heart beat increasing.Suddenly i see him hugging Riri and then she got in his car.I stood there frozen, zoomed out of the world.My best friend and the allegedly love of my life!.

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