"Why do you think I'm some kind of weirdo?! I like things people my age like!" Sasuke complained

"It's just a vibe you give off." Sai responded laughing.

The rest of the ride was pretty calm, they joked a bit but mostly listened to music in silence. Sai found many songs he liked along with his amazing discovery, Sasuke was not in fact a weirdo.

They pulled into the driveway of the house, it was pretty quiet which weirded Sasuke out. Sai took his phone out and texted the Uzumaki boy.

A couple of minutes later they opened the door, Sasuke walked in as people jumped up screaming, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" which flustered the boy. Naruto who was in front of everyone ran up to Sasuke and hugged him. "Happy birthday Sasuke!" The Uchiha wrapped his arms around the boy and spun him, "I'm so happy, thank you for doing this." Naruto gave him his wide smile, "You're welcome teme!" the blonde took Sasuke's hand and dragged him along to greet everyone.

Sasuke calmly followed the boy to greet everyone. 

Time passed by quickly thanks to the music and drinks. Sasuke made sure he didn't drink even though Naruto promised he would take care of him if he ended up getting drunk, which was a bad promise because Naruto himself had way too much to drink. 

Once he realized Naruto could barely stand up still he kicked everyone out of the house. 

"You must be crazy if you think imma let yall be around my defenseless mate." Sasuke spoke as he shut the door on everyone. A couple of people booed at him but Sasuke ignored it. 

As he walked to the room Naruto was currently wandering he received a text message. 

"You got lucky but if you don't tell him I'll make sure everyone knows."

A chill ran down Sasuke's spine, he was dreading this moment. the last thing he needed was a problem to come up after finally fixing things with Naruto. His one month of happiness was intruded on by someone who couldn't mind their business. 

Sasuke thought long and hard, "Should I tell him...? I mean he is drunk so he would probably forget."

The Uchiha finally arrived at the room Naruto resided in. Naruto was sitting on the floor looking at the canvas surrounding the room. 

The ravenhead smiled but remembered what he was about to tell the omega. 


"hmm" the drunk boy mumbled. 

Sasuke began to walk towards the boy, "Imma tell you something, something I've been dreading to say."

Naruto sat up and looked at the Uchiha with a confused expression, Sasuke took Naruto's hand and walked over to the couch.  

"Remember the last party we went to?"


"That night... Sai went into heat." Sasuke mumbled. The Uzumaki boy stayed silent, even though his heart was racing. 

"There were so many alphas at that party... I was worried for him. So I told him I would sleep with him."

Naruto felt his vision shake as everything turned blurry, he closed his eyes trying to resist the tears. "You slept with my best friend..."

"I was trying to help him but Naruto I swear it meant nothing. I only love you."

Naruto looked at Sasuke, tears streaming down his face, "You slept with my best friend before even touching me. I don't care if it meant nothing to you."

Naruto wiped his tears, "I honestly wouldn't have cared if you slept with anyone but my best friend. And you know what the worst part is... it took me threatening to expose your secret for you to tell me."

Sasuke's eyes went wide, "W-what?!"

"You honestly think I wouldn't have found out... I could smell your scent on sai's clothes and the faint scent of Sai's pheromones on you."

"Naruto... I'm sorry."

Naruto looked at the ground, "I'm not mad at you, you helped him, even if it hurts to know Sai got to have you before me."

Before Sasuke could speak Naruto stood up, "I'm going to sleep, see you in the morning." the Uchiha stayed silent and watched Naruto exit the room. Even though Naruto said he wasn't mad Sasuke couldn't help but feel as if he was. 

Naruto went into a random room, the house was pretty big so he could choose any room. He liked the room he chose, it had a balcony that let the shine of the moon in. it reminded him of the first time he and Sasuke hung out.

The blonde layed on the bed, he was already so sleepy so it felt nice to finally lay down. He slowly drifted into sleep.

An hour later Sasuke went into the room to check up on him, Naruto was deep asleep. Sasuke couldn't help but smile, "He's so adorable." he thought.

The Uchiha walked to the balcony doors and opened them to let some air in. The wind gently blew the curtains and he realized it was a full moon. He admired the moon for a while before hearing the sheets ruffle.

Naruto looked at the man with droopy eyes and mumbled, "Come, I'm cold." now Naruto wasn't actually cold but he just wanted the Uchiha near him.

Sasuke walked over to the bed and layed at Naruto's side, the blonde didn't hesitate to warm up to him. Naruto rested his head on Sasuke's chest. Naruto was close enough for Sasuke to smell his scent which he really liked as did Naruto because he fell asleep quite fast with Sasuke's calming scent.

Sauske fell asleep shortly after. 

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