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"Naruto-san! wake up, we're going to be late!"

"Just 5 more minutes Sai..." Naruto mumbled, still wanting to sleep. Sai had a lot of patience but he'd been trying to wake the blond up for the past hour. The boy eventually grew fed up and walked to the kitchen. "If he won't wake up then I guess I'll have to force him!" he thought as he filled a glass with water.

Sai made his way to Naruto's bed and dumped the glass of water on him.

The freezing water hit Naruto's skin jerking him awake, "SAI WHAT THE FUCK" he screamed jumping out of his bed.

Sai stared blankly and proceeded to walk away, "You have 20 minutes, hurry up."

Naruto glared at the boy and began to get ready; he walked out of their dorm and followed Sai into the cafeteria. "SAI ARE YOU NOT GONNA EAT!?" Naruto yelled across the cafeteria, grabbing everyone's attention.

Everyone in the lunchroom turned to look at the blonde and raven. Sai grew red as Naruto waved food in front of his face. "Naruto-san please stop..."

Naruto frowned, "Why? I was just asking.". The blonde was about to stop when he heard a snarky comment from a bystander.

"Look the omegas embarrassed"

Sai looked at the ground frowning; Naruto turned to see where the comment came from and where he was a tall brunette with red triangles on his cheeks.

"TEME! WHAT DID U JUST SAY!?!" he yelled as he charged at the man. Naruto would've fought the man if Sai didn't grab him, "Naruto the last thing you want to do is fight with an alpha!" he whispered and dragged him away from the scene.

"Sorry, I forget alphas have such a high position..." Sai looked up from the ground and softly smiled, "It's okay but please don't do anything like that again. Outside it might be like that but we're on high-class ground. Most people here, especially alphas, believe in that system."

Naruto was upset hearing this, in his home town people knew he was an omega, and yeah some would make fun of him for it but for the most part, everyone was supportive.

He nodded and told Sai he wouldn't do it again; at that moment the bell rang, Sai pulled Naruto and began to run. "Let's go the teachers here are super strict.


Naruto walked into the class, Sai right in front of him. The scents here were not as apparent, "Maybe it's just an alpha thing...?" he thought. This was until a strong smell hit him, something refreshing but at the same time incredibly sweet. He looked around the class and didn't see anyone who could possibly bear that scent. Then again he only looked at the girls...

"Hello, you must be the new student, right?" a deeper voice asked from behind. He jumped up in surprise catching the class's attention.

He looked up at a tall man with silver hair, he was nervous but he pushed it aside and answered with enthusiasm. "Yes!"

The man gave a closed-eye smile though it was hard to tell due to his mask. "Welcome to my class. My name's Kakashi, or sensei to you." Kakashi looked at the class and signaled for them to quiet down then turned back to the shorter male, "you can introduce yourself and take a seat, where ever you want."

Naruto spun around and looked at the class, he gave his toothy smile and began to speak, "Hello! My name is Uzumaki Naruto!"

The class greeted him and he began to look for a seat. Though to his surprise, almost every seat was already taken, except for one next to a cold-looking male. He began to walk up the stairs when a boy stopped him.

"We might have gotten off on the wrong foot but I can reassure you Sasuke doesn't let anyone sit by him." it was the same boy who had made fun of sai earlier. Naruto smiled at the man, "iIt's okay, but where do I sit then? It's the only empty seat.". The boy raised his hand to ask if Naruto could pull up a chair but their sensei disapproved of the idea, "Naruto just take a seat by Sasuke."

The raven-haired boy glared at Kakashi and looked away as Naruto made his way to the seat. Some of the girls whined, "No fair!! The new boy gets to sit next to Sasuke-kun...!!" both Naruto and the class ignored the girl's whines.

He saw Sai was right in front of his new seat so he picked up the pace. Naruto took a seat but suddenly he felt light-headed with the strong smell. It was an amazing smell, so intoxicating, Naruto hated it... it made him want to get closer and closer. Sasuke and sai both took notice of Naruto's behavior although Sasuke stayed quiet. Sai looked at the blonde and leaned in, "Naruto-san are you okay? You seem odd." Naruto looked at Sai, his eyes were tainted with necessity, "S-Sai there's this really strong smell! It's driving me insane!" he whispered.

Sasuke heard the blonde's words and smirked, which went unnoticed by the two males. The raven was a pure breed alpha, his smell was intoxicating to everyone, even if they were mates or not. Although Sasuke kept his cool and didn't think much of the boy's reaction what happened next shocked him.

"Naruto, I think your mate might be here. Have you ever met them?" Sai whispered. Naruto panicked a little and looked around the room. "No!"

Sai's face grew worried, which shocked Sasuke, "Why is he so worried?". The boy thought.

"Naruto, if this is your first time seeing your mate and you feel like that this is really bad." Naruto looked at the boy with confusion. Sai face-palmed and began to tell the boy; "there's not many, but a couple of omegas, after they turn 16, go into heat after meeting their partner for the first time."

Both Sasuke and Naruto were shocked, Sauske hid it better but clear panic could be seen on Naruto's face. 

Sasuke became uneasy, the blonde wasn't like that until he sat by him, the way Naruto described the smell was just like his.

Sasuke and Naruto wondered about different things but they had one thing in common, mates.

Naruto, Sai, and Sauske shared almost every class and in each,  Naruto was forced to sit next to the raven. Each period grew more tempting, Naruto's suppressant could only take on his smell and hide a portion of his pre-heat stench. Anyone close enough could smell the sweet scent, unfortunately, that person was Sasuke. He had a great nose and Naruto being by him in almost every class didn't help.

Sasuke's lust could be noticed by Naruto but the boy had no idea that's what the smell meant, although it also drove him crazy.

Naruto was bi-curious, he'd always been attracted to girls, even though he thought men were attractive he personally never found himself "in love" with one. On the other hand, Sasuke had his sexuality sorted out, he was attracted to all genders but had a strong preference for men.

The final bell rang as Sasuke zoomed out of the class, he had an hour before practice, one hour to get rid of his urges.

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