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It had been a couple of days since Sasuke's party, and between those 5 days, Sasuke and Sai both apologized to Naruto. Sai was surprised at how fast Naruto accepted his apology but he knew deep down Naruto knew the movement had fallen for the Uchiha.

But moving on~


"Sasuke where are you going?" Kiba asked the Uchiha who was currently trying to sneak out. Sasuke froze and turned to look at the man. "What are you talking about?" he lied.

Kiba pointed at the man's backpack, "It's 1 am where are you going with that backpack?"

"Oh... um... I'm going with naruto." Sasuke said. Kiba glared at the Uchiha. "You know they have security at the front doors after 12 am. So sasuke where the hell are you going?"

Sasuke glared back, "Can't you just pretend to believe my lies! I'm going to the Uchiha house... My brother said he wanted me there by morning." Kiba looked at the alpha confused, "Why didn't you just say so?"

"Because he wanted no one to know, now keep it a secret. I'll be back!" Sasuke spoke as he exited the room.

When the Uchiha left the school he was surprised to see non-other than Naruto and Sakura. He quickly hid wondering, "What the hell are these two doing out here!?"

Sakura and Naruto were running around, "Sakura-chan!! You said we would only swap outfits for an hour!"

"I know but you made us late! So deal with it 'cause I'm not changing in public!" Sakura said as she ran behind a car. Naruto laughed, "Actually you made us late, you kept looking for the perfect jewelry."

Sasuke was confused about what was happening, he had no idea Sakura and Naruto were even friends. But he was extremely curious about what his boyfriend currently had on. So he decided he would step out of his hiding spot.

Sakura and Naruto didn't notice him at first but once his scent was in range they both turned.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura yelped. "Sasuke?"

"What the hell are you guys doing outside at 1 am? Do you know how dangerous it is!?"

Naruto scowled at the Uchiha, "First of all why are you out here with a backpack?" 

Sasuke immediately grew nervous which pissed Naruto off. Sakura could sense the tension and said, "You know what I think I'll just go...."

She zoomed off leaving the two in tension, "Tell me what you were doing first?" Sasuke asked looking the male up and down. Naruto began to blush it had completely slipped his mind that he was wearing Sakura's clothes.

"I went shopping with Sakura-chan and someone dared us to switch clothes... BUT WHAT ABOUT YOU?" Naruto pouted.

"Oh, I just gotta go to Itachi's although no one was supposed to know!" Sasuke spoke.

"Can I come?" Naruto asked. Sasuke looked at him sternly, "I'll take you... but don't do anything stupid."

Naruto nodded and followed Sasuke to his car.

Once they got into the car, Naruto connected his phone to the radio. "What are you going to play? Dont play anything too loud it's way too early."

Naruto smirked, "I won't! I'm going to put shinunoga e-wa! It's such a good song." he spoke. As Sasuke pulled into the road.

 "Kiba loves this song. He plays it whenever we clean." Naruto was surprised but asked, "Do you like the song?"

They pulled up to a red light, Sasuke turned to look at the blonde, "Of course I do, I agree with the lyrics." Naruto blushed and looked away, he mumbled, "I do too." as Sasuke sped up.  


Later that night they arrived at Itachi's place, Sasuke was sleepy and extremely jealous about the fact Naruto slept the entire way. He called Itachi to let him know he had arrived. He wondered how he was going to tell him Naruto convinced him to come along.

Once Sasuke saw Itachi standing at the door he woke Naruto up.

"Naruto, let's go. Come on wake up."

The blonde groaned as he opened his eyes. "I wanna sleep." he muttered. Sasuke whispered, "Imagine me." and got out the car, Naruto following suit.

The two made it inside, and Naruto's sleepiness went completely away as he grew nervous in Itachi's presence.

"Uh- h-hi!" he spoke bowing quickly. Sasuke giggled at the sight, he found it cute that Naruto who was never shy suddenly couldn't speak right.

"Hello, Naruto it's a pleasure to finally meet you." Itachi spoke as he stuck his hand out. Naruto quickly took it and shook it.

"It's a pleasure to m- meet you too!" he stuttered. Itachi let go of his hand and turned to Sasuke, "He seems perfect for you. I'm sure you both must be tired so good night!"

"Good night Itachi." the elder boy disappeared into the hallways leaving Sasuke and Naruto in the living room.

"Welp let's go." Sasuke yawed. "That was so nerve-wrecking! I thought I was gonna faint." Naruto mumbled. "Itachi's not that scary your just dramatic." Sasuke laughed as he led the way.

"Noo, he is terrifying." Naruto shivered. "Sure whatever you say Naru."

They reached a black stainless steel door with a sign that said, "stay out" Naruto turned to Sasuke but the Uchiha didn't notice.

Sasuke pushed the door open revealing a dark room, it was huge, "Wow this looks like an emo's suite!" the dark-haired boy glared at the blonde.

The windows were huge with gray curtains. It was a modern room but a really dark one at that. It fit Sasuke's vibe perfectly.

Naruto ran to the windows and opened them, revealing a faraway city. It was truly breathtaking for him to see.

Sasuke put the stuff down as Naruto explored the room. The Uchiha layed on the bed, ready to sleep when Naruto hopped on him. "Don't be dirty Sasuke, take a shower first." he glared.

The Uchiha groaned, "I'm so tired though, we can just wash the sheets tomorrow."

Naruto rolled his eyes but agreed. Since the blonde decided he would go last minute he had no clothes which meant he had to borrow some.

He ended up taking an oversized shirt and shorts. Once he layed down he fell right asleep which Sasuke laughed at.

Sasuke closed the windows before laying down, he hated waking up to bright light.

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