Chapter XVIII - JayJay

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Lienne licked her lips unconsciously, "What do you want?"

His eyes narrowed, "Stop fucking our lives, Lienne."

His sentence seemed to impact her greatly, it was like a blow to her, "W-what?"

"You heard me." His tone was menacing, it was something Lienne had never heard before.

"I'm not doing anything, I-"

"You are, Lienne. And it's the annoying thing about you," He took a huge intake of air, "You make everyone crazy without you even knowing, I don't know how you do it, but you do,"

Lienne let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, "If... If I do it without knowing, how can I stop?"

He let go off her wrist, "Just stop seeing us." He turned away from her and walked towards the door but he stopped just when he was about to go out, "Life was easier when you weren't here."

"But I've always been here..." She said softly, but Karry heard it.

"That's what I mean." And he left, closing the door softly after him.

For a while, Lienne had stared blankly at the closed door, thoughts were pooling in her mind and she was trying to make sense of them.

There was nothing to make sense of, really.

They wanted her gone.

Lienne started crying, softly at first and then her chest started clench until it was unbearable, she fell to her knees and sobbed silently. What was she going to do?

Those three boys were her childhood... her life. She didn't want to make them upset or angry,

Lienne was confused and furious herself, but since she loved the three of them, she decided to do what Karry said and get away for a while.

Days passed and she wondered what she could do, Karry was obviously angry at her and no doubt Roy and Jackson were too. Then she remembered an old friend from long ago and she realized that he was her last resort. She dialed the number that she had scribbled down from long ago when they were still dating, they would call each other for hours. She dialed the number and waited patiently for him to pick up.

After the third ring, he picked up.

"Lienne?" The masculine yet boyish voice answered.

"Jason... I-... Where are you?" Lienne tried not to sound weak but her situation took the better of her,

"Where am I? Where are you?" Jason said, anger creeping into his voice, "You haven't called me for like, a century now! And now you're calling me?"

"I've got better things to do than calling you," Lienne said, a little too seriously to be teasing,

She heard a sigh from the other side of the line, "Do you only just call me when you need something?" He sounded hurt and hopeless,

"No! It's not like that at all, it's just that... things have been happening and it's gotten really bad now."

"Chill, it's not like you're in a reverse-harem or something." He laughed, she smiled at the sound of it, he had the best laugh she had ever heard.

"Well..." She said sheepishly,

"No friggin' way." He gasped.

"Yes friggin' way."

"How'd you get yourself into that?" He sounded amused and surprised, "If I recall, you're not exactly popular with the men."

"Maybe my puberty hit me late," She snapped at him, a little annoyed at his crude teasing.

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