Chapter XVII - Standing in a Streetlight

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"You really thought she loved you, right?"

Jackson felt devastated, it wasn't as if Lienne said she loved him, but maybe, just maybe,

But it was just Jackson pinning his hopes too high. Was he just a friend to her?

No wonder Karry and Roy had been acting so strange, was he the only one out of the loop?

They were meant to be a family, no secrets allowed. But here they were.

When did everything go wrong?

"I-I.." Jackson stuttered, but he got cut off from Karry,

"Don't even try to lie, Jackson. You did think she loved you." Karry said grimly and firmly, his eyes darkened, but when he saw Jackson trying to stifle his tears, Karry immediately threw away his attitude, "Oh crap, don't cry. What are you, six-years-old?" Despite his words, he came over and hugged Jackson in a brotherly fashion.

"I'm not crying." Jackson said stubbornly, then he pretended to yawn, "I-I'm just yawning."

Karry snorted, "I believe you with all my heart,"

He was right, Jackson couldn't lie to Karry. Karry was like his big brother, he teased and hurt him relentlessly, but once Jackson got hurt, Karry was the first person to spring into action.

Jackson ran his hand down his face, "I just thought that... it was a possibility."

Karry gritted his teeth, "A possibility that wasn't big enough."

"What should I do?"

"Nothing, you're the only one who thought Lienne loved you. It isn't her fault."

"But..." He was right, Jackson couldn't do anything about it other than lay low and watch, "Fine."

Karry patted Jackson on the shoulder lovingly with a smile, "Good. No more dates with Lienne, 'kay? We don't want your heart to be completely disintegrated."

Jackson didn't laugh, he took Karry's advice seriously. Never again. I will never see Lienne other than a sister, he thought.

The next day, Jackson did exactly that. He tried ignore Lienne's warm smiles but they still made his heart flutter nervously.

However, Lienne was confused, they got along perfectly yesterday but now Jackson was giving her the cold shoulder. Did I do something wrong?

She pondered about it all day, since it was still Spring Break, she rolled on her bed boredly. There's nothing to do... ah~ I should walk to the park! That would be a nice exercise, she grinned with satisfaction, she now had something to do.

First, she opened her window, how cold is it?

As soon as she opened the window, an icy blast of air struck her cheeks, "Oh shoot!" She exclaimed and shut the window quickly.

Right, she gritted her teeth, really cold.

Lienne wasn't exactly a big fan of the cold, once she got cold, she couldn't even think straight anymore and it was worse if you were talking to her, since she won't even listen and would just keep repeating 'I'm cold, I'm cold, I'm cold.'

(A/N; Does anyone else do that, or is that just me?)

She put an overly large coat, a long scarf and earmuffs on. Maybe she did look like an overly-stuffed turkey, but she didn't care.

She took a huge intake of air before she stepped out into the cold, bitterness of reality.

Lienne started walking to the park and suddenly felt really lonely which gave her another shiver, she stuffed her hands in her pockets, I should've brought my gloves.

The Academy of Gentlemen (TFboys and EXO fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz