"I'm glad that you have adjusted to being the boss and hopefully they treat you right. If they disrespect you tell them you have a bodyguard thats on standby." she says and i laugh. "Okay my novia (girlfriend)." "Now that's what I'm talking about."

"Let me get going thanks for deciding to check up on your one and only best friend in the world." she says. "And thank you for listening to your one and only best friend in the world." I say and we chuckle. "I love you babes." "Thandwa yimi lovie." I drop the phone. (You are loved by me.)

I take my keys and head out to buy myself some lunch. I get inside my car and drive off to buy iskopo and pap. I'm craving for some traditional food and i think this one will be the best. I go to the taxi rank cause i know they sell the best there.

I haven't seen or talked to Sthembiso in a while but I could care less. It's not like I'm taking this relationship seriously. Even though I don't care that i haven't seen or talked to him I kind of miss his conversations and watching the view in front of me. I know I sound crazy and i shouldn't feel this way but I can't help it.

I know you wondering why don't I call him. I don't feel like calling him and I'm used to him being the one that calls me first not the other way round. I feel like I shouldn't waste my precious airtime on something thats not going to last that long.

But then since you pretending you must make it look like you care about the poor guy..I know subconscious but I don't have the capacity and i think i have a bit of pride but for what reason I don't know...

I get to the rank and buy iskopo and i head back to work. While I'm driving my phone starts ringing and i answer it. Speaking of the devil he calls...

"And he remembers me." I say. "And she remembers me." says Sthembiso. "I thought you were lying in a ditch somewhere." "And i thought that you had ghosted me for an ugly gent." "I would never do that." "Then why didn't you call me." "Because i expected a call from you and you the one that likes doing the calling between the two of us."

"A relationship isn't a one way street." he says. "And airtime isn't cheap either." I say. "So you think I'm not worth your airtime." "I don't mean it like that. Please forgive me." "Whatever." "You can't say whatever to me." "I can and i did." "Ngyacela...cela ungixolele." (Please forgive me.)

"I don't know why i dated a Zulu girl." he mumbles. "We are wifey material." I say and he laughs. "I didn't mean it like that. Please remember that it's been decades since I've been in a serious relationship so its going to take time for me to adjust to everything so I'm sorry for ignoring you." "It's okay."

"You forgive me?" I ask. "Yeah I do." he says. "Okay. So when am i seeing you again?" "Whenever our next meeting is." "Please come alone." "You don't like my brothers." Of course i don't..."No its not like that it's just I want us to have some privacy."

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