Chapter 19: A Distant Reunion Between an Uncle and a Nephew.

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[Morning in Vale]

The birds are chirping. The streets are busy. Everyone has somewhere they need to be.

Jaune is seen walking to a cafe. He is wearing a baggy black hoodie, baggy blue joggers, and a pair of white sneakers. As he walks down the street, many people stare at him.

The stares reminded him of the past.


It was a weekend.

Jaune is seen walking the streets of Vale. As he minds his own business, people stare at him.

He feels uncomfortable at the attention.

Suddenly, someone runs up and socks Jaune in the stomach, bringing him to the ground. As Jaune looks up, his attacker was seen running away.

Jaune got up only to hear background mockery.

"How pathetic."

"Yeah. He's supposed to be a huntsman in training. He should have easily taken care of him."

"What do you expect from someone who faked his way into Beacon?"

Jaune kept walking, trying to ignore them.

"With someone like him, I worry about the future of Vale."

"Why is someone like him still in Beacon?"

"Maybe that guy should have him harder. Make him quit for real."

"Heh. Heh. You better keep your voice down."

"Why? It's not like he can do anything. Besides, this is a private conversation."

Jaune had walked away from the conversations of belittling him. He walks into a dark alley and puts up his hood. He walks through the alley. Once entering the streets, he hopes no one notices him.


Jaune snorted.

"Keep up those stares. Anyone tries something, it won't be pretty," He thought.

He keeps walking until he comes across a cafe with two guards standing outside. One opened the door, and Jaune entered the cafe. He is guided to a table and meets Belze Rochefort Arc. He got up from his seat and extended his hand to his nephew.

"Hello, Jaune," Belze said.

Jaune took Belze's hand and shook it.

"Mr. Arc," Jaune said in a different tone.

Belze was slightly hurt inside. However, he knew he had no one else to blame for why his nephew was so cold to him. Still, he wanted to make things right. They took their seats.

"I'm glad you accepted the meeting," Belze said.

"Hopefully, plan B doesn't happen," Belze thought.

"Thank you for letting me visit the Arc cemetery," Jaune said.

Recently, Junior gave Jaune a letter from the Arcs. They requested a meeting. The letter appeared cordial so as to not drive Jaune away. However, Jaune wanted to get something before showing up. That something was a visit to an Arc cemetery. Not only that, Belze was the one to accept the call.

"Jaune. What I am going to share with you must be kept between us," Belze said.

"Why's that?" Jaune asked.

"Because what I'm about to say to you concerns the future of the Arc Clan," Belze said.

Jaune raised his eyebrows, feigning ignorance and curiosity.

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