Chapter 20: A Not So Weak Week.

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Jaune is seen sleeping in a spare room in Junior's Club. The sound of a scroll breaks him from his slumber.

"Might as well get ready," Jaune thought.

Jaune got up from bed, revealing his muscular upper body, sporting only a pair of pajama bottoms. He walks over to a luxurious bathroom to take a shower. Once inside the shower cubicle, he turns the knobs and lets the water hit him, contemplating what he's done.

"A week. What can be done in a week? Well, how about a recap?"

"You could get some booboos looked at."

[Mantle: Slums]

The slums of Mantle were appalling. Their shabby, put-together homes did little if no good to the harsh cold of Solitas. It didn't help that alongside the abhorrent living conditions, there were many citizens who couldn't afford any decent medical care.

However, that would all change with the arrival of a certain "doctor." He wore a simple black suit, the cold not bothering him at all, and carries a physician's bag. This particular doctor would only be recognized by a few people.

 This particular doctor would only be recognized by a few people

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Soon, he arrives at one of the shanty houses. He knocks on the crude scrap door, only for it to be opened by a male Wolf-Faunus in his mid-20s named Kalin.

"Dr. Zeus Glengoolie! Good to see you! Please come in!" He said.

Zeus walked through the house. It was made of metal sheets, no doubt scavenging around the area. The only appliance was a simple wood stove. The objects such as the fire-dust lantern, pot, pan, and utensils were rusted. He looked to see a Koala-Faunus girl, Vivian, no older than 6 years old, and her mother, Kyoko, a Kangaroo Faunus in her early 20s. They lay on an old rusty bed. The mother coughed up bloody mucus into a rag. Zeus was notified of their condition and had prepared the necessary materials for the procedure beforehand. He opened his physician's bag and takes out a pair of syringes, each containing a black liquid.

"This concoction should eradicate the pathogen in your bodies," Zeus said.

"A-Are there any side effects?" Kyoko asked worriedly.

"You may feel some discomfort and unease, but that should subside quickly."

Zeus took out an alcohol pad and disinfected Kyoko's arm. Next, he injected the solution into her arm. Seconds, later he did the same for Vivian. Soon, a black line spread from the site, traveling through their arm, becoming visible as the black line was further outlined in their veins.

"Is this normal?" Kalin asked.

"Yes, it is," Zeus said.

The two began to groan in slight discomfort. Kalin stood there, praying that the serum would work. Zeus looked unworried.

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