Chapter 9: Joyous Reunions!

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It is morning in Vale. The sun is shining, and the birds are chirping.

Jaune and Eve are in a car with Eve in the driver's seat. Jaune wears a white shirt, dark blue denim jacket, black jeans, and a pair of black combat boots. Eve wears black sunglasses, a white shirt, a black leather jacket, dark blue jeans, and black boots.

Eventually, they arrive at their destination: Junior's Bar/Club.

"Been a while since I've been here," Jaune said.

They get out of the car and enter the bar. Inside, he looks around and sees Junior at the bar.

"Hey! Xiong!" Jaune yelled happily.

Junior looks and sees Jaune and Eve. He is surprised to see another girl next to Jaune.

"Well, I'll be. Where you been?" Junior asked.

Jaune stands at the bar, and Eve stands beside him.

"Been taking a break. Training. Enjoying life," Jaune said smiling.

Junior chuckled. He looked closer at Jaune, noticing his happy expression.

He started to remember the last time Jaune was here.

[Flashback- Begin]

Jaune was at the bar. By his feet was a duffel bag of his belongings. He looked down to the counter, full of melancholy.

Junior was at the other end of the bar. Melanie and Militia were on opposite sides of Jaune.

"How are you feeling?" Junior asked.

Jaune sighs.

"Pretty sad," Jaune said.

"I mean. I'm expelled and blacklisted from any other academies."

"Not to mention, Vale hates my guts."

Jaune sighs even more.

 "To make matters worse, my family disowned me and cut off all connection with me."

Jaune tears up at the reminders.

Melanie and Militia placed a hand on Jaune's shoulders.

"It's okay, Jaune," Melanie said.

"We're here for you," Militia said.

Jaune smiled. He wiped away his tears.

"Thanks. That means a lot," Jaune said.

Jaune had spent a lot of time at Junior's establishment ever since his fake transcripts were revealed. Interestingly enough, Junior was the one who sold him the fake transcripts and unlocked his aura. From his frequent visits, he met Melanie and Militia Malachite. He got on good terms with Junior, Melanie, and Militia, becoming friends with them and vice-versa.

"Do you need a job and place to stay? I could use some muscle," Junior said.

"Thanks for the offer, but what I want to do is travel," Jaune said.

"Travel?" Junior asked.

"Yeah. I got some funds in my account. I want to travel to try and find out what I should do with my life," Jaune said.

Junior smiles.

"Alright. Just don't forget to write," Junior said.

All four chuckle.

[Flashback- End]

"It is good to see that you're alright," Junior said.

"Same to you," Jaune said.

Jaune MercerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora