Scene 3

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[Belmont; Portia's palace]

(Enter Portia, Prince of Morocco and Bassanio)

Portia: Okay, guys.
Look. I'm not in the mood.
Just get this over with and I'll go shopping.
What you have to do is answer 3 simple questions correctly.
The person with the maximum number of correct answers will get married to me.
Let's start.
Number one, where does a body of water sleep?

Prince of Morocco: In a lake...?

Portia: Nah, wrong.

Bassanio: On a seabed, of course!

Portia: Correct! I had no faith in you.
Now, next question.
Where's the English Channel?

Bassanio: I don't have a television, I wouldn't know...

Prince of Morocco: Above England, duh!

Portia: That's right. Dude, Bassanio...are you an idiot? 
This is the last question.
Why do you not have to explain everything to Tommy?

Prince of Morocco: Because dogs are intelligent?

Portia: Wrong.

Bassanio: Tommy is so smart Hilfiger it out.

Portia: Oh, my God. Bassanio! Where have you been all my life?!
YES. We're getting married, babe.

Bassanio: Oh, fuck yeah.

(Enter a messenger)

Messenger: My lord, Bassanio. I have a letter from Signor Antonio.

*Reads the scroll*

Bassanio: Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
This cannot be happening!
Portia, look. I need to leave.
I borrowed some money from a cruel moneylender on my best friend's credit.
Because his conditions weren't met, according to the bond, my best friend is about to die.
Bye, love.

(Exit Bassanio)

*Phone rings*

Portia: Hello?

Shylock: Dude, your sorry excuse of a husband is a traitor.
*Tells her what Bassanio's intentions are*

Portia: That son of a bitch.

Shylock: Get to the Court of Justice. NOW.

Portia: Cool.

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