Scene 1

963 19 4

[Venice; a street]

(Enter Antonio and Bassanio).

Antonio: I'm so sad!

Bassanio: What's wrong? It's such a happy day, check out the sky, the ocean!

Antonio: Yeah, you're right. Just...forget about it. Anyway, how's Portia? Haven't heard about her in a while. 

Bassanio: *Turns red* Portia is fine, yeah. But, listen. I sort of need money. I can't woo her without money. Can you lend me some, please?

Antonio: *Pissed off* You're always after my money, dude! Just, what the fuck, even? You're taking me for what? Your personal ATM?

Bassanio: *Frantic*
No, no, dude!
Listen to me!
It's Portia, the very rich heiress!
That's why I want your money! Think of it as an investment.

Antonio: *Ponders* Rich, you say?

Bassanio: Very!

Antonio: And our shares would be?

Bassanio: You, forty percent. Myself, sixty, of course!

Antonio: Fuck you, bitch. Go to hell.

Bassanio: Okay, okay. Relax, dude. Fifty-fifty? 

Antonio: Now, we're talking!
Let's go to Shylock, the moneylender. I don't have money, as of now.

(Exit, Antonio and Bassanio).

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