seven| money on the mind

Start from the beginning

I can't help but chuckle darkly at her insinuation. She sure has perked up since a few days ago when she could barely meet my eyes.

"Trust me, babe, I am not the fuckin' problem here."

Well... I don't know that for sure. But I am certain that Stanley has some kind of separation anxiety. After all, he did experience some pretty serious neglect before I adopted him.

Or maybe he's just an Irish Setter sent from hell.

It's a coin toss at this point. 

"I beg to differ." November whispers shallowly.

She'll get herself in some serious trouble some day very soon if she keeps running that pretty little mouth of hers.

"So, if it isn't you, what is the effing problem then?" She huffs, tucking a stray tendril of blonde hair back behind her ear.

A smirk forces its way onto my face from the way she refused to swear back at me.

It's sweet. Fucking childish but sweet.

"I'm on the road a lot with work. You know, with away games and all that."

I watch her scoff at my assumption that she knows who I am and what I do for a living. But given the fact she was at my party, in my house, coming as my best friends little sister's plus one- I think she's aware of my existence.

And if she didn't know who I was before the party- well- I'll make sure as shit that she knows who the fuck she's dealing with now.

"Every time I leave Stanley alone with a dog-sitter he loses his shit and fucks up my apartment." I could shudder at the thought of the destruction I came home to the other day.

That took me, Greyson and my cleaning team 4 hours to tidy up. That was before even attempting to replace all the broken furniture, send that crappy pet-sitter a hefty amount of compensation and get everything back to the way it was.

It was an all night job. And I will not be repeating it again.

"The sitters quit, because my dog terrorises them, then I have to find a new one and the cycle repeats itself. I'm fed the fuck up with it."

Nova shifts in her seat uncomfortably. She shuffles from side to side, crossing her arms and then relaxing them seconds later. A lock of her golden hair escapes her ponytail and twists around her finger.

She huffs again, this time much louder and with a pout on her face.

I wait, impatiently tapping my foot, as she and crosses one slender leg over the other underneath the table.

Her bare skin brushes against my leg accidentally, causing those blue eyes to widen and twitch. She lingers for maybe 0.2 of a second, if that, but it's enough to send a subtle tinge of pink to her otherwise pale skin. 

Hm. So I do effect her...

"H-How does this involve me exactly?" Nova asks with shaken confidence.

The return of her stutter pleases me. More than it probably fucking should.

I motion for one of the waitresses to bring me over another black coffee and relax back in the ratty leather booth. "For reasons I don't understand, Stanley seems to like you."

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