20 | We All Need A Hero

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Music in media: We All Need A Hero from the "Death Note" Musical

13 January, Thursday, 11 p.m. | Winter

N was an antidote to Rae's woes. He listened intently to her as she told him about her encounters with the effects of the music perversion thus far and how her journey led her to Nimbasa City, the most populous city in Unova. The red capsule they sat in, across from each other, rose in the clockwise direction, allowing them a purview of the heart of leisure and entertainment. A serene glow enveloped the city below them, unperturbed by the crowd. Lights danced alongside inflatable tubes, the roar of sports reached a peak, and joy permeated the folks. Nimbasa City was, simply put, paradise.

That included the boy who now smiled at her after she finished her recount. N swept his fringe to the right and put on a black and white cap with a black peak. "But you enjoyed it."

Rae returned the smile.

"You're a fantastic Trainer, Rae," N told her as Chilchil snatched his cap and put it on. He didn't seem to mind. Instead, he laughed. His was a pure, ringing laugh, like a series of peals, so clear, so natural, so sincere. Rae was convinced N was a being of light.

"And you?" Rae cocked her head sideways. "What about your Pokémon? Why were you alone?"

N lit up. "I do not own any Pokémon. I think it's cruel to put them in Poké Balls, and it appears you and I think the same. I have given them freedom to roam as they please.

"But why do you claim I was alone? I wasn't alone, Rae. Would you believe me if I told you that? Or does it sound too unhinged?"

"I don't know... You were by yourself."

N clicked his tongue and dangled one leg over the other. "It may seem like it... We are never truly alone. I exist because you exist, and vice versa. That itself is proof. That is the art of interbeing."

Rae stared at him with bleary eyes and petted her three Pokémon. N's cap was transferred to Tabutabu. "I don't understand."

"You eventually will. And when the time comes, you'll be like me. I released my Zorua. No, wasn't mine in the first place. I did that anyway, after coming close to the Truth."

Rae leaned forward in her seat and asked him what he meant by that. He explained that Unova worshipped Truth and Ideals as separate beings, Reshiram and Zekrom, respectively. These two Pokémon had returned to their Light and Dark Stone forms to roost at the peak of Dragonspiral Tower a year ago, kept out of the public eye. Kyurem remained in the Giant Chasm. N told her in the past two years he had been in contact with both Truth and Ideals, Yin and Yang, and the experience changed him drastically.

"I've come to this place every week ever since." The tallest building in Nimbasa passed N's shoulder as he spoke. "It's a symbolic place, this city. And this Ferris Wheel is the answer to the equations I've been occupied with."

"I don't want to be rude, N, but how long is this ride? I have to look for Icosa."

"Your friend is in no danger."

The Ferris Wheel jerked to the stop. Rae blinked and surveyed her surroundings. They were now situated at the top of the Ferris Wheel, overlooking the whole of Nimbasa City. The Battle Subway, the Stadium and Arena, the Gym and all the other fashionable places that made Nimbasa Nimbasa shone in the night. Rae could not hide her excitement, leaking out of her as drool. None of the places she had been to thus far in her life could compare to this. Looking down on the city proved to be refreshing, and they were far from the crowd, which meant less suffocation.

N told her he once took the Ferris Wheel with a Unovan Hero, then asked her if she thought heroes were important. She supposed they were. Superhero flicks were commonplace. N, however, meant the everyday hero, the essence of the average person or Pokémon.

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