The Seventh Scion of Ha

Start from the beginning

"1st Rank Sovereign of Planet Earth, Will Chamberlain."

This method of identifying oneself before battle was a dying tradition among those of the Martial Way, but when done, it expressed sincere respect for one's opponent.

"Peerless was recognized by the Raindrop Sword Immortal. This is insane."

Narcissus couldn't believe his ears. And he wasn't alone in his doubt.

Not much was known about the about the early years of the Seventh Scion of Ha, or rather, Jingsung Ha.

But he was known to be a Battle Deity of the highest quality. He was a living legend. He had mastered five Higher Senses and was a powerhouse who had dominated the Daos of Water and Metal.

He also had a magical artifact that he used to refine his body to the peak. Rumor had it contained an Empyrean Intent. This resulted in him evolving to a higher being across all three vessels. He was also a User of the Solitary Word Sovereign, just like his siblings. He was precisely an example of that 0.001% that had been mentioned earlier by Odysseus.

He was a famous Solitary Sword Sovereign who had reached the Martial Peak!

He was infamous for his whimsical personality and he only cared about those equal to or stronger than him. He loved to challenge opponents stronger than him and often broke his limits through incredible feats of will power and Sensory Perception.

Those from the Ha had innate arrogance that caused them to look down upon others, but now one of them had acknowledged a mortal from a Lower World as an equal after one clash.

'Athena's odd actions earlier caused me to take this more seriously, but now there is no doubt. This boy is exactly who I need. Pulling off a True Strike in such a strange position... The Unorthodox Path of Swordsmanship has produced a savant.'

A True Strike only came into being when three elements were fused to perfection. Technique, energy and Intent. Hercules was not a user of Truth himself, but he knew it needed more preparation than anything else.

'To release a True Strike from such a form means that he has used unorthox form to release Truth many times. How much practice has he put in? Not to mention being able to apply it under pressure without a foothold. He has only been cultivating for five years...

Most Martial arts are done by drawing strength from the ground. When learning a True Strike for the first time, most get too used to being only able to use it when performing specific basic strokes.

The more complex the stroke, the harder it will be to perfect, and the longer it takes to pull off. But this kid can do Quick True Strikes and has clearly gotten used from fighting with odd forms. Does that mean his Orthodox True Strike is week in response?'

The Universe was balanced and fair. If it made you superb in one area it had to take away from another. True Strikes were not exempt from these laws.

The better your Orthodox True Strikes, the weaker your Unorthodox ones. But there were exceptions to this rule.

'Is this kid also one?'

Hercules looked on in anticipation. Although many abilities were involved in this battle, he was focused on only Truth and Intent. The rest were secondary to him.


Jingsung Ha gazed at Will and came to a conclusion.

'Multiple Higher Senses and such incredible reflexes. Not to mention his battle awareness is nothing to scoff at. No doubt it, his parallel process is at least equal to mine or higher. Otherwise he would already be dead. He is lacking physically, so he can only reply on his Sensory Perception and Parallel Processing to beat me.

Very well. Two can play that game.'

Jingsung Ha was waiting to attack Will the moment he had landed, unfortunately, the latter was having none of that.

'Nice to meet you Jingsung Ha. I'm sorry but I don't feel like being a defensive person today.'

The moment Will's feet touched the ground, his silhouette disappeared!



First a special shout out to a long time reader Bald Taoist from webnovel who recently pledged on Patreon and has been patient with me with my other readers. i am honoured by your continous support.

Now while on the topic of Patreon i have just updated the tiers which i will place as a post soon. Titans Throne will start getting published on the 26th of September. Infallible Oathbreaker on the 3rd of October and Conclave of Tyrants on the 10 of Oct.

If you want updates on my...uh...updates, follow me on webnovel, royalroad, wattpad fb insta and twitter!

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Thank you for reading! Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Creation is hard, cheer me up!


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