117. Lets go back to old days

Start from the beginning

M- give me the gloves.

Nurse gives him. He wears them then touches those rashes and connects the dots and his eyes widens.

M(shouts)- call his parents fast.

Nurses flinches by his sudden shout and she runs outside and calls his parents. Within some seconds his parents come inside.

Father- how is he doctor?

M- fine now but first tell me how did this happen?

Mother(crying)- dont know he was sleeping in the room and i was working in the kitchen suddenly he starts coughing badly. So i went inside to check him but his condition was not good so we immidiately took him here.

M- was there any smoke in the room?

Mother thinks for sometime.

Mother- haan wo coal was burning just outside the room. Why?

Manik closes his eyes in frustation and mutters ''fuck''.

M(to nurses)- increase his oxygen supply to 100 percent and get the results of blood test fast. And yaa do a chest x-ray also when he wakes up.

N- ok dr.

She did as he said then manik turns towards his parents.

M(angrily)- what the hell have u done with ur child haan. Do u even know how much it could be dangerous.  Who the hell burns coals just outside the room and makes their child sleep in that smoke. Dont u know it can even cause his death god damn it.

His parents palms their mouths in shock and they were very shocked.

Father- what happen to my son dr?

M(grits his teeth)- he is suffering from carbon monoxide poisening all thnk to u guys. Srsly how can u be so careless haan. He was breathing smoke in his lungs so instead of oxygen carbon monoxide went in his blood which is a poison for us. He was breathing it. If u havent listen his coughs na then he might not be able to make it till hospital also. (takes a deep breath to calm himself) listen always remember this when someone is sleeping never keep such things around him which can cause smoke and if u want to keep it due to some reasons then keeps windows and doors open always understand. This smoke contains carbon monoxide and a person should not breath it bcz it binds with our haemoglobin and forms carboxyhaemoglobin and not let oxygen takes its place. Due to deficiency of oxygen person starts feeling suffocate then these symptoms arise. See these rashes around his lips. It is sign that he has carbonmonoxide poisening. Now to he is fine as we have provided him enough oxygen but still we will have to monitor him so admit him here for today then i can discharge him tmrw.

His parents nods and went towards that child. Manik comes out from ER and went towards receptionist.

M(cold tone)- is kunj busy?

As lisa looks up she becomes lost in him. She was looking at him with dreamy eyes. Manik on not getting any answer looks towards her and see she is busy drooling over him. He rolls his eyes and makes a disguested face.

M(loudly)- if u r done checking me out or drooling over my body then can u tell me is kunj busy or not?

Lisa comes out of her trance listening his loud and cold voice and becomes embarassed bcz all were looking at her only.

L- s..sry s..sir wo yaa kunj sir is free. U can meet him.

M- hmm and yes from next time be sure not to drool over any man lustily and give these seducing looks when u r at work understand.

Strict doctor and his Jhalli wifeWhere stories live. Discover now