117. Lets go back to old days

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1 week later;

Twinkle's mrs amritsir contest is going well. After winning the dance competition twinj has won many more rounds too and now in some days there was finale of this contest for which twinkle was quite nervous but kunj is always here to cheer her. The main motive for which kunj requested twinkle to join this contest was successfull. Actually some days before twinkle and chinki were coming from that venue when some cheap guys passed some disguesting comments on both of them. They both were wearing one piece short dress. Kunj was behind them only but twinkle doesnt know it as he want to give her surprise by coming suddenly to pick her up and take her out for lunch. He saw all that and he was about to go to beat the shit out of those bastards but before him surprisingly twinkle and chinki starts beating them black and blue. Seeing twinkle's confidence back he was very much happy. But he also didnt left those boys. After the girls he also beat them very much. So after that day finally our old twinkle is back.

About mohsin to his condition is not that much normal as he has started getting serious symptoms of tumor but manik was handling him very well. After that day mohsin also has stopped throwing tantrums on everything. He was fully coperating them. Manik was handling his works from amritsir only.

 Ishaan and twinkle has a great bond with mohsin and manik. But as manik is very much strict in work so they hate his doctor side bcz he is complete monster in dr mode. And about others to their life was going very well. Roshnik like always handling their personal and professional life very well with their little silly fights. Doodle and parvati r also coming close after that day when doodle got injured. And twinj to they r madly in love with each other. Kunj never leaves a single chance to romance with twinkle. In short everyone is happy in their life.

At present;

Lifecare hospital;

Manik is sitting with the neurosurgeon of lifecare and they both were talking when suddenly a nurse barges inside. They startles with sudden voice.

N- sir sry for this but we need u in ER immidiately.

Listening this they both immidiately gets up and they all run towards ER. They reaches there and see a very young child was on the bed breathing very heavily and oxygen mask was covered on his face. But he was crying and thrashing his limbs and nurses were holding him down.

M(to nurse)- what happen to him?

N- sir he was continuously vomitting and feeling very dizzy, shortness of breath, blurry vision. But now due to oxygen his breathing is almost normal but as he is crying very much so it is fluctuating. But sir suddenly he was having seizures thats why we called u.

M- ok do a blood test and then give him relaxer in his iv so that he can sleep and call his parents. I wanna talk to them.

Nurse nods and immidiately starts doing her work but as she goes towards that child with a syringe he freaks out and starts crying more. Manik sighs and comes towards him.

M(stern tone)- what happened why r u crying.

C(crying)- n..no in..injections.

M- it is not injection. It is just a blood test. So stop crying for this bcz u gonna worsen ur situation even more. Nurse do it.

That child starts crying more and struggling hard and continuously nods in no but manik signals 2 nurses and they holds him down then one nurse took his blood sample making him cry so much pain. After taking his blood manik add relaxer in his iv so that child starts feeling weak and slowly his cries reduces and he slept. Manik was about to go but he sees some red cherry color rashes around that child lips. He looks closely.

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