Chapter 1

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(7 November)

"Vedikaaaa.....come on, WAKE UP," Devanshi shouted and dragged the blanket from Vedika's sleeping form. Vedika groaned at her skin's sudden contact with the cold air. It was November, and the early mornings had begun to get cold. She attempted to put the blanket back over her body, but Devanshi had already put the blanket on her own bed away from Vedika.

"Uff... get up Vedu, you will be late for college." Devanshi shook Vedika again.

Vedika got up, muttering about annoying roommates, and trudged to the bathroom. Devanshi laughed at her friend's grumpiness. She knew Vedika was not a morning person.

Vedika was an engineering student. It was her last year and she lived in a hostel near her college campus with her roommate for the last 3 years. Devanshi Patel was a medical student, currently in her last year of MBBS. Their colleges were on the same campus in Pune.

Vedika walked back into the room half an hour later to find Devanshi sitting on the bed, studying for her exams. "Done studying?" Vedika asked and Devanshi nodded. "Almost," she replied and buried her head back into the book. Vedika hurried to get ready for college.

"What time will you reach the canteen for lunch?" Vedika inquired.

Devanshi frowned for a moment before answering. "Exam will finish by 12, but I have to take notes from Atharv so I might reach the canteen around 12.45 or 1-ish."

Vedika nodded. "All right, just give me a call. All the best." She hugged Devanshi and rushed out.

Vedika shuddered as soon as she got out of the college hostel. It was 9 AM and the air was chilling. She pulled her jacket close, wrapped her hands around her body, and walked to the campus, which was only a 5-minute walk from her hostel. She had a quick breakfast at the roadside breakfast stall, where she met her best friend, Meher, who was munching lazily on a breakfast of sandwich and coffee.

"Hey, good morning." Meher greeted her as Vedika sat down beside her with a toast and a glass of chocolate milk.

"Good morning," Vedika greeted grumpily, "did you finish the assignments?"

Meher shook her head. "Who cares? There is plenty of time for final submission. 2 days."

Vedika grinned at the careless attitude of her friend. She wasn't any different. "Yeah yeah, we engineers do everything at the last moment." She said proudly, making Meher grin on the inside joke.

Sameer was waiting for them when they arrived at the college.

"Hey, beautiful." He greeted Vedika brightly. Vedika smiled at him before greeting, "Good morning Sam." Sameer put his hand on his heart dramatically at that and sighed. "My morning is indeed good now." He said with a flirty smile. Vedika chuckled, shaking her head.

"Sam, I need a favor from you," Vedika said and Sameer dramatically got on to his knees.

"Anything for my love. I am yours to command." He said, spreading his hands in a filmy style. Vedika and Meher laughed at his antics.

"Aww. I love you too. And I command you to come and help me today in the evening. I am going to the orphanage and I need someone to lift all the heavy stuff." Vedika too played along and Sameer grinned at that and bowed dramatically. "Yes my lady, your porter will be at your service in the evening." He stood up and winked at her. Vedika thanked him.

"Come on, let's go to the lecture now. You know Professor Chaudhary closes the door of the classroom at sharp 10 AM."

Sameer was a close friend to Vedika and Meher and a complete flirt. He flirted with any girl that came his way. But he was a good guy at heart, his flirting was always casual and playful. He backed away the moment any girl showed signs of discomfort or displeasure.

"The shot is ready, Anirudh sir." A spot boy informed Anirudh Malhotra who nodded and got up, straightening his suit. It was the last day of shooting his latest film and he was going back home, to Pune the next day for a well-earned vacation. Anirudh Malhotra was a superstar, a big name in the movie industry. Famous for his killer looks and incredible acting skills, the 25-year-old actor was at the peak of his career. He was also the son of Rajveer Malhotra who owned a huge construction business.

"How was the exam?" Vedika asked as soon as she sat down in front of Devanshi who had been waiting for them in the canteen for lunch. Devanshi sighed, "It was fine, these are just midterms so I am not too stressed about them. But I guess I will have to catch up on my marks for the Final examination."

Meher patted her hand, "Don't worry, you are the topper, you will manage to top this time too. I just wish you could transfer your dedication and will to work hard into us." She joked and they chuckled.

"You engineers do everything last minute, I don't know how you guys manage it, but it's so weird. I have seen Vedu laze around for the entire year, studying only one night before the exam and still managing to get decent grades. How do you do it?" Devanshi asked. Meher and Vedika grinned haughtily.

"We engineers are the best, we can do anything," Meher said pretentiously and Vedika giggled.

"I agree with that, I know Vedu is such a talented writer," Devanshi said.

Vedika frowned at that, "Dev, not here. No one knows who I am and I want it to remain that way."

Devanshi nodded, "Yeah yeah, I know, don't worry, no one is paying any attention to us."

Meher changed the topic by asking Vedika about the assignments. "How are you planning to complete so many in one day if you are going to the orphanage today?" She asked and Vedika waved off her concerns.

"Don't worry, I had finished half of them yesterday, so I need to just write 12 more. Then I will be ready for the submission. I am bunking college tomorrow. Then we will get over submissions the day after tomorrow and we are free for two weeks." Vedika said cheerfully to which Meher shook her head.

"Madam, we are getting study leaves for our semester exams. Not vacations," she said, but Vedika waved her off.

"Exams are in December, so we have plenty of time for studying. Dev, your exams end in 2 days, right? So let's party. We will go clubbing somewhere." Vedika started making plans while the other two girls joined in.

Vedika actually didn't end up going to the orphanage that day as she realized that her assignments were going to take more time and energy than she had anticipated. She postponed the plans, deciding to go once she was free.

"CUT! Good job Anirudh, Raima. Great performance." The director announced as Anirudh and Raima pulled back from their hug. It was the last scene and Anirudh sighed with the satisfaction of delivering his best. He loved his job and was happiest when he gave his best and up to the mark. He walked back to his vanity van for a quick change and was surprised when his makeup artist told him that his sister had been calling him repeatedly. He called her back.

"Hey di, you are back?" He asked, surprised when she received his call.

"Yeah, I had gone to the US for a change, not to settle down," Amaira snapped back sarcastically in her usual way, "I have landed in Mumbai, will reach Pune tomorrow morning. I expect you to be there to welcome me."

"But di, I have just finished my shooting in Delhi, it's almost 9 PM now. How am I supposed to reach Pune by morning? But don't worry, I have a flight scheduled in the morning. I will be there by tomorrow evening." Anirudh tried to excuse himself. But Amaira was having none of it.

"Listen, little brother, you will do as I say, okay? I will book a ticket for tonight's flight. I guess it leaves in two hours, so pack up and leave for the airport. NOW." Amaira said and cut the call before Anirudh could protest.

Anirudh had opened his mouth to say something when the phone beeped, indicating that the call was cut. He sighed, looking at the phone. He had been too tired by the day's shoot and all he wanted was to catch up on a night of much-needed sleep. Now it seemed that he would just have to manage with whatever sleep he would get in the flight. But he wasn't angry, not even irritated. He loved his sister and knew that his sister loved him too. She had missed him and sometimes she was just bossy. That was just how she was from childhood. A weird but an interesting personality.

//What do you think of all the characters? Who are the good people and bad people here? Any guesses? Also your Votes and feedback is very much appreciated. Please Vote and share if you like the story.//

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