Chapter 9: The Golden Guard

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[your pov]

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[your pov]

Word count: 473


I think I'm going to be sick-

After we teleport away from Luz and Eda, we are now back in uncle Salty's boat.

But we're in a room I don't recognise.

The golden guard sits down on one of the chairs. I do the same, hugging my stomach.

"So, what were you doing with those criminals?" He asks, sinking into the cushioned chair and placing his staff on his lap.

"I work here, I was getting the selkidomus like uncle Salty asked forOh . And they're also my friends." I roll my eyes at his stupid question.

He groans. "Don't make me regret taking you with me."

"Too late." I shrug, almost completely unfazed.

He ignores me and looks out of the window.

"So...anyway. What's your name?"

"(Name), what about you?"

"I'm afraid I can't say."

"Right, imma just call you Goldie."

He sighs. "You really get on my nerves."

I chuckle. The Blight twins are really starting to rub off on me.



I look around the room to see mostly tall, wide brown bookshelves with many books of all genres scattered around.

"Do you think they're still alive?" I ask, slightly adjusting my posture so I'm not slouching too much.

"Hmmm. Not sure. I'd say a 50/50 chance." He shrugs.

I chuckle a little. "Yeah, that's about right."

"Why are you friends with those criminals anyway?" He glances at me, I can barely see his magenta eyes through his mask.

"They're nice people, genuinely nice people." I smile.

He scoffs. "Even if they're nice, they're still criminals. As far as I'm aware, you're a random person that actually follows the law. Unless you're planning on becoming someone like them,"

I roll my eyes. "They haven't done anything that bad! Okay, maybe Eda has. But Luz and King are completely innocent, they're just kids."

"I guess so. Aren't you also a kid? You don't look much older than the human."

I nod. "Yeah I'm one or two years older than her so I can say that."

"...Right. Anyway, I think you're quite interesting, (name). What coven do you want to be in when you're older?"

I hum in thought. "Maybe the emperors coven? You can do all types of magic there, right?"

He leans forward in his chair. "The emperor's coven? That's for the best of the best, think you have what it takes?"

I smirk. "Oh, I know I do."

He laughs. "I admire your confidence! I'll be looking forward to potentially seeing you in the coven someday."

"Thanks, Goldie."

"Please stop calling me that."


Hey! Sorry this chapter was a little short! I'm debating if I should make this a love triangle. I do have a slight idea on what I'm going to do IF I decide that there will be one.

- Lola ❤️❤️

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