Chapter 6: New Secretary

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pov of AIDEN

My meeting was over by 11:30. Mrs. Bose hired me a secretary. I told her I don't want one but she insisted. She is one of the oldest members of our company. I thought for a while then said okay.

My assistant is someone named Diana Jordan. She has to meet me now as the meeting is over. I heard a knock at my door. As soon as I said "Come in", my phone began to ring. It was Mr. Smith.

I took the call and looked up to see who she was. I gaped and narrowed my eyes. She smiled at me.

She smiled at me. Her.

 She was wearing a white shirt and a white skirt that was hugging her curves.

Don't look at her ass. Don't look at her a-. I looked at her ass.

I gestured for her to sit and I talked on the call. We both stared at each other. These were the weirdest 2 minutes of my life. We both weren't backing down.

We just stared and stared. I ended the call and raised my eyebrows while tilting my head.

"Good Morning sir, I am Diana Jordan. I am your new secretary," she said nervously. 

Sir. My pants strained at that word.

"No more sunshine, I presume?" I asked amused. She shook her head not breaking eye contact.

We stared at each other some more time. The tension in the air was straining my pants more and more. We finally broke eye contact. And I sighed.

"Since you are hired by Mrs.Bose. I will give you one chance and if you screw up you are out.  Bring me black coffee." I said rudely. I can see a smile appearing on her face but she managed to resist the urge.

After 10 minutes there she was again with her ass. She knocks and comes in. She places the coffee cautiously on the table. I was watching her every move.

Then she turned around and tripped on the chair. My heart dipped. I stood up and balanced her by her arms. Too late. She was clenching her stomach. I winced and left her arm.

"What happened?" I asked eyeing her stomach.

"No.... nothing...... just- umm.....this corner- the table corner you know... I tripped. Yo- you will not fire me for tri-tripping, will you?" she asked warily. I ignored her question.

"I know. I saw I was sitting just there if you couldn't tell." Fuck why am I like this?

She narrows her eyes." Okay. I am fine."

"You shouldn't wear heels if you can't carry them," I stated as a matter of fact.

"No, it's fine. It happens every da-" She waved her hand.

"You mean you are telling me that you trip and fall every day." I cut her off.

"No. Are you calling me clumsy?" She frowns and looks at me angrily. God, I love that when she does tha- 

No, I don't. 

"You don't think you are?" I said.

She takes a deep breath, nods to herself, and leaves.

I sighed . God that girl is going to be the death of me. I made a quick call to Henry, one of the managers of the company. 

"I want all the corners in the office removed by tomorrow. Since anyone can trip and fall and can get hurt by them," I grimaced at my explanation.

I never explain anything to anyone. But apparently when I am doing something stupid I do.


"Yeah corners of the tables, cupboards, boards, all of it tomorrow."  I hung up.

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