Yn:(coms) Lucifx will come after the game. So let's quickly win this.

Mick:(coms) Glad we're going to fight that tin man. But what's with the sudden change of heart?

Yn:(coms) Bob made a good argument that convinced me.

Felicia:(coms) Bob? Lisa, did you increase his intelligence again?

Lisa:(coms) Wh-what? Of course not...

Yn:(coms) It was the best argument I've ever heard. Surprised none of you came up with it.

Mick:(coms) What the stardust did Bob say?


Tony: Enjoying yourself with YOUR friends?

Yn: Enough. Let's focus.

Felicia:(coms) Way ahead of you. Try catching up.

Lady-G with her power suit upgrade uprooted a large chunk of stone which she threw across the sky.

Lisa:(coms) That's too inefficient. Yn, can you cut us some chunks of ground to maximize our chances?

Yn:(coms) Alright.

The panels that made up his wings, popped up, folding in half as they fire a laser that perfectly cuts the ground to the ideal shape and size for the Earth team to throw.

Mick:(coms) This is kinda boring... No combat whatsoever...

Lisa:(coms) Isn't this what the Olympics is about? Testing every planet's technology to see who's better?

Mick:(coms) Yes. But I prefer to test things in combat.

Lisa:(coms) I like this challenge. It's nice and calm compared to what's to come.

Lisa:(coms) It's also necessary. It's difficult to gauge the lifting strength of Gears through combat alone.

Yn looks at the other combatants, seeing their somber attitude in them.

They moved as if to avoid eye contact.

The only ones who stood strong were the Martians.

Mira approached Yn.

Yn:(coms) Can I help you?

Mira:(coms) How did you do that?

Yn:(coms) Yes, be vague. It makes answering your question fun.

Mira:(coms) During our battle, you said something... It was as if you read my mind. How?

Yn:(coms) I didn't read your mind, I predicted it.

Mira:(coms) Explain.

Yn:(coms) Experience. Deduction. And understanding of how humans think.

Yn:(coms) With all these things, you can predict people's actions, and their words, even without a supercomputer.

Mira:(coms) Hm...

Mira:(coms) I'll remember that...  And use it to defeat you.

Yn:(coms) Defeat Core first. Then I may just take you seriously.

The games went on, continuing normally. Earth won again, with the other teams not really putting that much effort, besides for the Martians.


But there was one who beat Earth unofficially.

But there was one who beat Earth unofficially

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