Chapter 1

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"Sel, we are seriously going to be late!You know we have to be home by 5:00pm.I cant have mam on my neck again,"my sister,Taylor shouted as she looked at her makeup in the mirror.

"Relax,am almost done.I hope we are not forgetting anything .Okay how do i look?",I asked barely opening my eyes waiting for the negative answer i was dreading to hear.

"You look okay?!"she grinned."How do you even ask me when you know exactly what i will say."she said half irritated.

"Okay, that is fair i guess."i said.

We are going for a photo shoot, we had planned of going almost two weeks now.I was so excited since this is the second shoot i was having with her after a very long time.I come from a family of two girls and a single mother.My father is a dead beat dad sometimes i wonder if he even remembers we still exist.I am in college,studying medicine.My sister is in her last year in highschool.

"I seriously hope this is worth my savings."she said as we entered the studio.

"Its totally worth it."I said half slapping his shoulder soft enough to make her look at me.


Just as my eyes wondered around the studio taking in its view that is when i saw him.Right away i knew he was trouble.A trouble i was willing to invite in my life.He sat there at the reception couch on his phone smiling about something. For a moment i forgot how to walk.My heart was beating loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.My palms got sweaty when he raised his head to look who just walked in.But it was brief and he was back on his phone.He literally din't acknowledge our presence. I was disappointed.Inwardly slapping my self.I mean really,what was i thinking that he would run in my arms and embrace me and we would live happily ever after!.Yeah i guess not.

My sister sat on the couch as i walked to the receptionist to confirm our appointment.

"Welcome Selena, we are glad you came through.Justin,the photographer seated over there will be attending to you shortly. "She said half signalling Justin to come over.

"Hae?I am Justin nice to meet you,and i will be your photographer for the day."he said with a fake smirk on his face.

All i was thinking when he talked is how soft his lips are and how good they would feel once i connected them to mine.He was brown skinned just a bit taller than i was.He was inbuilt masculine and his face...oh my god..his face.

"You coming or what!"my sister whispered as she followed Justin in a room.

I stumbled trying to catch up with them.The room we entered was nicely decoreted.The paintings on the walls were brief and simple.

"I will give you guys a minute to change,if you are going to and get all warmed up for the photo shoot session. "Justin said leaving the room.

We changed into our outfits and i was glad we did our makeup at home because i only scheduled for a one hour appointment.Taylor looked breathe taking in her outfit and how the braids she had pleated fell on her back made her look twice sexier.I was always jealous of how she looked good in everything she wore. She was more curvier than was.Her brown eyes matching the flawless dress she was wearing that hugged her body perfectly embracing her curves.Her brown skin just like pearls glowed with so much intensity.

"DAMN,I know i look good so stop staring," she said smiling,showing off her perfectly arranged white teeth.

"You look like you just came out of fairy tale.Such perfection. Am jealous you know,"i said taking her wrist in my hand in an attempt to make her turn around.

"Thank you.I admire me too.You don't look that bad yourself,"she said facing the mirror.

"Huh, so typical of you to say that.Okay go call that dude,we have already wasted enough time already," i said straightening my white dress and doing a spin.

"Am clueless though i barely have any postures,i hope you know am depending on you."she said as she did a cat walk to the door.

I stood there excited and nervous that am about to be stuck in the same room as him for the next more than half an hour.My stomach clenched.I took a deep breath to calm myself and get this over with.

Hey guys thank you all for reading.I hope you liked the first chapter.The chapters gets better and better i promise. This is my first time and i honestly cant believe am doing this.Dont forget to like and leave a comment. I love you💙💙💙

ILLUSORY LOVE🇰🇪Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant