S.S || Jealousy pt2

Start from the beginning

"Are you serious with me right now? I've known you since you were 9. I've been with you with every stage of your goddamn life, and I'm not even invited?" You we're close to tear up.

But of course you're not a pussy, and you're not going to cry... in front of him.

"I'm sorry I just can't seem to talk her out of it. I tried. But it's also her wedding"

"It's yours as well!" Yelling again. Wow soo strong y/n. "Y/n we haven't talked in a whole year. Why do you care? You're the one who said you don't want to see me again. You wouldn't even care if I were dying" he talked a bit louder then before. But just a bit- HOW DARE HE YELL AT ME.

"No sebastian that's where you're wrong!" You took a breath. "If you were dying I would have cared. If you'd be calling me, telling me that you think the wedding should be off, I'd come and help you

"If you simply needed candy because you were on your man-period then I would have come. That's the difference between me and her. If you were to break up, she'd only care about the fame and hate she's going to get.

And even if you don't see that. You will. Cause like I said. One day you're going to wake up next to her and wish she weren't there. And you'll be to invested and old in this marriage, that you'll have to stay with her forever"

You cried. Pussy.

"And even when that happens, you'll call me. You'll realised what you lost. And yet again, I'll come and help you. Tell you to break up with her, after 20 years of marriage. And I can't do anything about it. But I do hope, that you'll get this sooner, and break up with her, when you still can" you're pretty sure that he's crying too, but you don't dare to look at him.

"So if I'm not getting an invitation, I'm going to ask you to leave"you walked to the door and open it for him. he shook his head, looking down. "No" you inhaled. "Sebastian" you exhaled. "Leave"

He slowly started walking towards the door. "See you in 20 years Sebastian" and that's you're goodbye. Well not forever, you'll see him again in 20 years.


Wedding day comes. But not his, yours. You're getting married to the love of your life, Shawn Mendes.

Sebastian's wedding day did come. He married Jane three years ago. But right after you told him to leave, him and her deleted all of their social media.

And Sebastian stopped acting. Paparazzis stopped running after them. Like they were... nobody.

You're walking down the aisle, to Shawn. But the only person in your mind is Seb. You thought that you were over him. I mean four years.

You looked to your right and left, seeing Chris and Antony. "What's wrong?" Chris whispered. "Getting second thoughts?" Antony joked.

You stayed quiet. "Holy shit y/n really?" "Idk what to do" you were about to cry. Pussy. Pussy. Pussy. Man up, woman. Wait that's not a normal sentence to say- PUSSY.

You reached Shawn. "Say something" Chris whispered before standing at your side. Yes they were your bridesmaids. "Shawn, I can't believe I'm doing this"

"Me too" he smiled. "No. I- you can't believe how much of heart ache I'm feeling at this moments, and that's not an excuse to do what I'm going to do"

He looked worried. As he should. "I- I can't marry you. I have feelings for someone who I cannot be with. But being with you while having strong feelings for someone else, will be wrong to do to you" yea pussy is not cry- oh there it is.

"Y/n please" Shawn begged. "I'm sorry" and just like that, you're a single woman.


You changed your clothes and went to your favourite place. It was a garden close to a donut shop. It was yours and Sebastian's favourite place.

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