Ch. 23 | Wedding Bells

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"And I'd give up forever to touch you."
- Iris, Goo Goo Dolls

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Everyone walked out of that store that night, able to physically heal. But otherwise? Relationships were shattered and you didn't know what the hell you were going to do. You couldn't exactly explain your stupidity of why you didn't make up something but you didn't and now you had to deal with the consequences. Today though, was Rossi's wedding. A day hat'll be filled with talks about love. How wonderful.

The wedding was absolutely beautiful. You couldn't help but hope that one day maybe you' be so lucky to make it the alter. The ceremony was fairly quick for a wedding and the reception started right after. Drinkings and food started going around then Emily drew all of your attention to start her speech.

"When Dave got engaged, he pulled out all the stops." She began. "Some of you might not know this, but he proposed to Krystall in our elevator at the FBI, which was perfect. If she said no, he could just go back to work and she had a built-in escape. But she said yes, and here we are. Of course, our good friend David Rossi has been here before. This isn't his first rodeo, as they say. Strangely enough, though, he has never been to an actual rodeo. But I digress. Penelope says that this was fate, that their marriage was in the stars." You glanced over at Spencer a quickly looked away feeling his eyes look back towards you. "Dave and Krystall are twin flames, two souls that are always meant to be together. Sometimes it takes time, sometimes it takes a parallel universe or something, but the thing about twin flames is that nothing can keep them apart. They are a magic unto themselves. And together, they light the way for all of us." Prentiss said gracefully. You never felt Spencer's eyes leave you. "To David and Krystall."

"To David and Krystall!" Everyone said in unison. "Cheers."

Now it was time for dancing. The first three on the dance floor, Pen, Luke and Matt obviously.You then saw Rossi's new stepdaughter attempting to flirt with Spencer. You scoffed and decided dancing would get your mind off of it and quickly joined the others on the fun. But all fun must come to an end. A slow song came on and you made your way to the bar. Spencer was already there.

"Can I get a water?" Spencer rasped.

"No problem." the bartender responded.

"Hey. Um... So I didn't get a chance to... Say it back there, but thank you for saving my life." You sighed, trying to figure out how to say what you really wanted.

"You're welcome. You ok?" He replied.

"Yeah. But two guns, huh? How long you been wearing an ankle holster?" You said trying to lighten the mood and relieve some tension.

"Around the time I got out of prison." He said.

"Right...Look, so what I said back there, I, uh... I needed to say something that would get his attention, and I needed to say something that would get your attention. You know, so, I, uh, I just needed to throw him off balance and make up something you'd both believe..."

"Y/n." He said suddenly, your eyes finally meeting his again. "Truth or Dare?"


"Did you mean it?"

"Guys, they're about to cut the cake." Prentiss cut in.

"Uh, great. We'll be right there." You said. "It's just that.." You began but the words never came to you. The fear coursing through your veins was so different from the one from the other day. From the one when he got kidnapped. From the one when your sister was taken. This fear now was somehow worse. The fear of being truly and purely vulnerable with someone.

"It's okay." He interrupted. "Everything's okay." He sighed pulling away and heading to the cake table. Then he suddenly stopped in his tracks. You were silently begging him to turn around and say it finally. You were hoping your bluff wasn't as good as you thought and that this time he would see through your poker face and he would see your tell but he didn't. Instead he said something else.

"You called me Spence when you said it." He said turning back around for a moment.

"W-what?" You asked.

"When we were in there...when you said it, you called me Spence."

You furrowed your brows.

"You just haven't called me that since it ended." He said. And then he was gone.

You walked over to the rest of the team, joining them at the cake table. David and his new wife cut the cake together, smiles spread all the way across their faces. A couple hours more of dancing, and drinking and you figured it was about time to go home. You decided to go congratulate Rossi before you left the building.

"Hey, Rossi, Mrs. Rossi!" You said, leaning in to give both the bride and groom a hug. "Congratulations you two! I should really be heading out." You said breaking apart from their arms.

"Alright kiddo, thank you so much for coming." Rossi said patting your arm. As you began to walk away to figured you should probably thank him for your birthday party since you hadn't gotten the chance earlier.

"Oh and Rossi?"


"Thank you for hosting and planning my birthday party. It really meant a lot." You said smiling.

"Well no need to thank me. The whole thing was Reid's idea." He said with a slight smirk.

"I-It was Spencer's idea?" You stammered in surprise.

"Yep. Said he wanted to do something big for you since you hadn't really had anything big for your birthday before."

"Oh um, I need to go talk to him." You said suddenly.

"The rest of the team just headed out to stop by headquarters real quick. Go get em!" He called out to you.

"Have fun on your honeymoon!" You called back as you bolted out the door and to your car. As you drove words began to echo in your head.

Truth or dare? I want you to say something you're afraid to say.

The truth was you loved Spencer Reid. The truth was you wouldn't always have the words to say that as fear attempts to pull you back and despite him being afraid as well, he was always there anyways. He was always there to be with you, and take your hand or wrap his arms around you until the fear passes. A stranger had once said that being a jerk to someone was okay as long as you were doing it out of love, to help that person. But now all you wanted was to spend every fearful day and night with that stranger no matter what even if you had to be a jerk to him sometimes. He was worth it all.

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