Ch. 2 | Workplace Tensions

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"I'd rather loose somebody than use somebody."
- Reflections the Neighborhood

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A few weeks have passed since the dinner where you'd agreed to join the team for good. You guys had two, maybe three cases in that time, one including one where a man thought he was a werewolf. So far you enjoyed the job, there was just one nagging problem: Spencer.

During the New York case when you said the unsub must be in the dental profession in order to create a mouth piece, Spencer called you ridiculous and said that you were jumping to conclusions and creating unsupported theories. Then at another point during a case where the unsub left ciphers in his victims mouths, you insisted that in order to crack the cryptogram, the key word Garcia would have to use would be "CURE". Yet Spencer rudely objected causing you two to get in another argument. But Garcia ran it anyway and it ended up cracking the code. He just scoffed and walked to another room, hating to admit defeat.

He was the biggest jerk you'd ever met. He was so nice to everyone but when it came to you, for some reason he just couldn't stand you. When it came to him, all you had were unanswerable questions. That infuriated you even more and you just couldn't explain any of it.

Today was no different from the rest. You woke up to the sound of your alarm, got ready and drove to Quantico. You parked your car and made your way through the front doors and the lobby towards the elevator.

You reached for the button when your hand brushed against someone else's sending a chill up your spine. You quickly retracted your hand and turned to look at the person beside you.

"My apologies." Spencer said coldly towards you. You rolled your eyes, swallowed your pride and smiled.

"No worries." He clicked the button and the elevator door dinged open.

Once you two were in the elevator the silence was defening. You looked out of the corner of your eye and looked him up and down.

He wore a fitted light gray button up with a dark grey patterned tie, his shirt tucked seamlessly into his pants. He had on dark grey trousers with a dark brown belt where his gun holster rested. He wore brown dress shoes and patterned socks. The sleeved of his shirt were bunched up to his elbows, showcasing his forearms. You had to admit he was attractive, but you'd never date him considering his un-explainable hatred towards you and yours to him.

You turned away, just waiting for this ride to be over.

Finally the doors dinged open once again. Spencer rudely brushed past you to get out the elevator first and went straight towards the door of the BAU.

You strode in, not too far behind him, heels clinking on the ground as you walked.

You sat down your bag by your desk, flipped through some papers then headed into the break room to go get coffee, seeing Luke and Tara sitting at a table when you walk in.

"Hey, I saw you get off the elevator with Reid. Are you two finally do something about that sexual tension you guys have?" Luke asked sipping his coffee with a smirk, Tara lightly slapping his arm.

"Ew. No. Absolutely not." You said widening your eyes and sitting on the side of the counter. "I just happened to get stuck in there with him."

"Oh please you were probably checking him out the entire time." Said Luke laughing, causing your face to go slightly red so you turned around and opened a cabinet pulling out a cup. You weren't checking Spencer Reid out. You weren't.

"Hello beautiful people, and Luke! What are we talking about?" Garcia said, heels clicking loudly as she came to give you a light side hug.

"Y/l/n's huge crush on Reid." Tara said smugly.

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