Thunderstorms Scaring The African Tribesmen

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It was a hot and humid day in Namibia. The African tribesmen were doing their dance in the village. They were really working up a sweat. Just then, storm clouds were on the approach. The natives quickly ran for shelter. A lightning bolt flashed across the angry sky, followed by a loud thunder boom, which sounded like a bomb going off on a battlefield.

This frightened the African tribesmen. They ran for cover, but there was no shelter to be found. More flashes of lightning, followed by claps of thunder had them shaking in their boots, as they still scrambled to find shelter from the storm.

It started raining, and some lions were roaring for their cubs to come home from the storm. Nasty thunderstorms were causing havoc in Windhoek, and all throughout Namibia.

This was truly a nasty African thunderstorm.

This story was written on Monday, September 19th, 2022.

A/N The thunderstorm really had the African tribesmen scared! 🌩🌩🌩 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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