A very strange place.

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Its been a few 20 minutes, things are already starting to get weird for you and Albert.

"I drop bars I drive cars I go very far yuh my bars are hot like lava I bars like my names Osam-, Osnap I am very good at raps." Said some weird tiny gray person with wire-like antennas. You and Albert did a little jig while ForestOverseer just stared. "You are the best." Albert said, nodding to the beat. "Yes I am, hug me people." You all hugged him except for ForestOverseer. "ALRIGHTTT!," ForestOverseer started, "LETS GO!" "I am the captain." Mumbled the tiny gray person with TV antennas. The three of you strutted away as you come across a sad, miserable one, beautiful leaves colored of crimson, red, orange, yellow, gold, brown, white, and even purple circled around him. "THIS IS AUTUMN_MISERY, HE IS VERY SAD BECAUSE AUTUMN DOES NOT HAPPEN IN CAVE." The powerful green ForestOverseer introduced the gloomy one to be while he frowned. "Hello!" Said Albert, his voice always seemed a little wimpy and flimsy. Autumn_Misery waved weakly, "I just sit here and wait..." He said. Poor Autumn_Misery. "Well maybe we can pretend its autumn!" Said Albert with a reassuring smile on his face. "NO." Autumn_Misery bawled in frustration and dejection. Albert was taken aback by the sudden cry of the miserable pile of leaves, yet Forest_Overseer chose to completely ignore Autumn_Miserys meltdown. "LET CONTINUE, THESE ARE ALL THE WANDERERS- BY THE WAY, WE ARE COOL!" The overseer said with a hearty grin. "... Yes." Albert uttered. Forest_Overseer then whispered to the two of you; "Dont say the word pretend", he is sensitive." ... Albert wanted desperately to leave the dark. He was very uncomfortable. And so, the trio continued to walk till they came across the flower again. "... Hello?" Albert greeted, a little anxious. "I am soaking up the water in my roots right now!" Draining_Sunflower flaunted the golden petals on top of their head, twirling them proudly. "It feels very nice!" They suddenly stopped playing with their fragile petals and looked up at the two of you. "Would you like to moisturize your roots too?" They smiled kindly. Before you or Albert could answer, Forest_Overseer suddenly shouted out; "YES HE WOULD!" He then pushed you too into the lake, Albert landing on top of you and creating a giant splash. As Albert fell in, his hand accidentally slid across Draining_Sunflowers giant soft petal, making them recoil in bugbear and anathema. "WAIT!!" They cried, "DO NOT TOUCH, YOUR FINGERS ARE GREASY AND I FEEL IT IN MY STEM!" The flower brushed their petal protectively. "SHOO!" Draining_Sunflower is extremely upset. The three of you ran off into the dark once again, scurrying away like pests. But then the three of you came across this weird... Child. "This is Playground_Boy, he likes to play!" He introduced the child to be. "There is one rule in the play pen..." Playground_Boy snarled greedily with a scowl, "Never. Touch. My. Toys." "Understood..." Albert said, hiding behind you. You were like an emotional support shield. Playground_Boy suddenly looks at you with curiosity. "Who may you be?" The child asked. "Uh... Y/N." You answer. "And who's the fat guy?" He asked again in a disrespectful tone, "Hey! I am not fat, I have big bones, I'm Albert Flimflam Aretz!" Albert defended, now angry at the child and planning revenge. Forest_Overseer seemed to notice and whispered; "Touch it, I am whispering to you." He snickered. "Nice to meet you." Playground_Boy basically ignored Albert, which was a grave mistake because Albert snatched a block and threw it right at the childs knee, making him wobble and fall on the playpen, making everything fall apart. He was completely fucking enraged. "GET AWAY!!" He threw a tantrum, throwing his toys around. "OH MY GOD, YOURE SO MEAN MR. FLIMFLAM!" Forest_Overseer shouted in a sarcastic tone. But then the child started to pick up the playpen gate, making all of you gasp in horror. You all ran before Playground_Boy could throw it. The clatter of the gate echoed in the background as you three escaped.

You find yourself in a giant cave, glowing blue crystals and mushrooms scattered across the cave walls, caves, and ground. It was... Kinda beautiful. Forest_ Overseer suddenly gasped in amazement... "OH MY GOD- ITS KING OF MUSHROOM, JELLIBELLI!" He immediately bowed down, his crown falling off. He stared at Albert, but not you cause you were bowing too out of anxiety. "BOW DOWN TO HIM!" He howled. The blue mushroom man smiled kindly at the overseer before looking over at you and Albert, adjusting the blue mushroom on his head. "I live in these caves." His voice was calmer than the residents you've met in this place. "... Come along now." He orded calmly, walking off deeper into the cave. You and Albert were atleast finally getting some light. The four of you suddenly stopped infront of a puddle. "Here," He said, letting the three of you pass, "Lets take a swim in my puddle." "OKAY HE WILL SINCE HE IS ALREADY WET AND MEAN." The overseer cut Albert off, starting to irritate him. The king suddenly saw something and recoiled in disgust. "Ew..." He whimpered. "AAAAAAHHHHH!" He ran off in fear. What is he running from?... "OH MY GOD YOU SAW THAT?" Forest_Overseer asked, his eyed wide, but then slowly calming down and smirking. "NEVERMIND- I THOUGHT IT WAS IT." He laughed, continuing to strut. Something tells you he really hates Albert... Wait- Who is "it?" Jellibelli took deep breaths, calming down. He then turned to the three of you, "See this?" He said, pointing to a blue mushroom that shone brighter than all others. "My soul is in there, but Im still alive." You looked extremely concerned like Albert when the mushroom king said that. Suddenly, Forest_Overseer shoved Albert into the mushroom, making JelliBelli scream in fear and pain. "OH MY GOD!" He and Forest_Overseer screamed in unison, except Forests concern was fake.  "Did you really just do that?..." Jellibelli whimpered, holding his side. "I didnt mean-" Before Albert could respond, JelliBelli suddenly screamed, "AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!" His eyes started to glow red. What has Albert done?... "LETS GO HE IS MAD Y/N AND FLIMFLAM LET GO QUICK!" Forest_Overseer grabbed your hand and ran away, leaving Albert behind. Why does everyone like you? You aint the damn main character... Or so you thought.


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