A new city.

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You stepped out of the plane, while Albert fell down the stairs ahead of you. Everyone was at the front of a gate that lead to a city. The city looked very new, but also very familiar at the same time. Albert's face landed on the pavement as you carefully stepped down from the final step. Unstable_Day jumped up and down ecstatically infront of the gate. The gate looked to be the size of 69 feet. "The tour of the City shall begin now." Great_Day informed, it seems like he was leading everyone now. You were a bit curious about it, and how it looked. "My operatives will be helping." Suddenly, a man with brown hair, the same uniform you and Albert were wearing, and a beard ran out of the plane. "Oh, [IDENTITY] Adam seems to have awoken." Great waited for him. "Adam!" Albert waved, you knew you recognized the guy! Adam's nickname is Speedy as it said somewhere on his shirt. You watched him run towards you and Albert to join in on the tour of this new city. "This is the City Hall, it is being used as our HQ." Emotionless_Day explained. "E wave!" Adam thought inside of his head. Suddenly, the gate opened. "We will be showing you the City now." Great_Day and his operatives then walked into the gate, and quickly realized what was happening. This was the new city. The old city had Been attacked and possibly taken over.

Meanwhile, you looked over at Radiant_Day, and he was rubbing his head, seemingly in a little pain, and Benevolent_Day handed him a bottle of pills. You looked back at where you were walking, you felt a little bad. "How is everyone today?" Benevolent_Day asked. You finally recognized who he was! Or she... You never know, he- or whatever she/he/they/etc could be another gender! "Radiant as ever boys!~" Radiant_Day responded. The walk stopped at a building, a slightly rusty and gray one. "This is the theater." Great_Day introduced the building to be. Just then, you caught Radiant_Day staring at you, and you stared back. He smiled wider and gave you a wink. You turned a little red and turned away. Adam then whispered this in your ear, "Theyre gonna make you see Big Hero 6!" You giggled a little from his amazing humor! [OPERATIVE] Radiant and Dreadful play music here and concerts happen. It is empty today." Great_Day closed his eyes as he explained. "We shall move to the next building." "The theater is nice." You thought inside of your head. Great_Day looked at you and smiled for about about 3 seconds, almost like he read what you said in your head.

The next building was "The Days Museum."
"Welcome to the museum." Said Great_Day. You, Albert, and Adam walked over to a statue, next to it was a stand labled: "THE DAYS UNION -ARTIFACT : Communication".

> "The Supreme Leader : Great_Day is the Leader of the Day's Union and the Founder of the Day's City, he has been leading it for a long time now and is still your current living leader

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> "The Supreme Leader : Great_Day is the Leader of the Day's Union and the Founder of the Day's City, he has been leading it for a long time now and is still your current living leader."

You stared in awe at the carved stature of the Supreme Leader, Great_Day. Albert giggled. "Grape_Day." He mumbled. Suddenly, a gun was pointed at Albert. "What're you referring to?" Asked Emotionless_Day. Albert took a sharp, afraid breath, while Emotionless_Day stared at him cold. "Grape_Day?" You held your breath, scared for the fate of Albert, but you didn't want to die either. "We are attempting communication of old files we had." Said Great_Day, as he slowly broke the fight up, he then took a deep breath and walked out while everyone including you followed. You all went down a road with very small looking houses and some streetlights. "Some residences are empty." Said Great_Day, as he lead and walked down the street with more than 4 people following him. He then looked at you. "Stay close, the [NIGHT] brings out dangerous things." "Are any of these for rent?" Asked Albert, as he fiddled his fingers in slight nervousness. "We will get to that." Responded Great_Day. Great_Day introduced every [OPERATIVES] residence, and after that, he looked at Albert to answer his question. "Negative." Responded Great_Day. Unstable_Day then giggled loudly while looking at Albert, "YOU HAVE SMALL HEAD HAHAHAHAHAHA." Albert was almost about to blow up because he has been pissed for way too many times already.

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