Chapter 1

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You and Albert entered the cave. Outside, you heard explosions, there was also a plane. Radiant_Day  and Unstable_Day were looking at you and Albert from out the window, you waved, happily, and they both waved back, Unstable_Day was a little janky though. You and Albert entered the house. Emotionless_Day opened the door, and you and Albert were let in. "Welcome!" Said Radiant_Day. "OH OH GUESTS!" Unstable_Day jumped up and down in excitement. "Greetings [IDENTITY] Mrflimflam and [IDENTITY] Viewer." Practical_Day, Sorrowful_Day, and Unpredictable_Day greeted. Placid_Day looked Albert up and down. "What an outfit." Placid_Day stared at Albert's showy pink crop top, pink short skirt, pink high heels, and a cowboy hat. "It's quite ehm... Beautiful." Unstable_Day had this huge grin on his face when he saw you. "He's a bit fat too." Said Practical_Day, Albert looked so insulted. "I'm being honest, I'm an honest man." "RUDE PRACTICAL VERY RUDE!" Unstable_Day pouted, and he also couldn't stop moving, he was very shaky. "Indeed." Emotionless_Day agreed. He had a very cold glare, emotionless. "How are you on this fine day?" Emotionless_Day asked the two of you. Everyone was slightly looking at you, but only slightly. "I'm pretty good, how are all of you?" Albert laughed nervously. "I am emotionless, as always." Answered Emotionless_Day. "Radiant as ever!" Radiant_Day Answered, radiantly. "Placid." Answered Placid_Day. "I'm sorrowful." Sorrowful_Day replied, wiping his tears with tissues. "VERY UNSTABLE HAHAHA!" Unstable_Day jumped infront of you, you smiled a little, and then he squeezed you tight. Emotionless_Day pulled him away, you wanted him back. :(

"I think I'm the only sane one here." Practical_Day thought in his head. "NO QUIET PRACTICAL DUMB." Unstable_Day shouted. "Is there any tea for the guests?" Placid_Day asked. Emotionless_Day turned to Placid_Day. "No, we have none." Emotionless_Day answered. "There's Uline." Practical_Day said. "It's frozen." "I should have brought some." Placid_Day said. "I drank the last one." Said Emotionless_Day. "Please do forgive me." Placid_Day apologized. "Emotionless_Day then turned to you and Albert. "Would you like to come down to the facility?" Emotionless_Day asked the two of you. "VERY QUICK TO ASK EMOTION VERY!" Unstable_Day jumped up and down again. "Yes!" Albert answered. "Maybe they should stay, let them breath." Practical_Day ordered. Great_Day nodded. "And what do I call you?" Practical_Day asked you and Albert. "Albert, Albert they call me." Albert responded. You stayed silent. "And what about you?" Practical_Day asked you, and then everyone stared at you, social anxiety was really getting on your ass. "My name is Y/N." You responded. Radiant_Day blushed when he heard your name. "Make yourself at home!" The stupidly charming Radiant_Day flattered you, with his arms wrapped around the two of you- so wait, Radiant is allowed to hug people, but Unstable isn't? That's definitely for a reason, right? "Alright, Albert and Y/N, nice to meet you." Practical_Day greeted you, you couldn't see his face due to the mask, but you knew he was somewhat happy to see the two of you. "Follow me, I'll give you a short tour of our house." Everyone then walked upstairs.

It was a bedroom with nothing much in it. Again, Great_Day was very quiet today. "We're outside the walls." Said Practical_Day. Placid_Day then walked towards Albert. "You are very fat." He said to him. Albert was so insulted, that he thought about punching him in the face. "I mean, you are very handsome, sir." Placid_Day tried covering what he said up. "Very." Unpredictable_Day mumbled. "And very funny!" Radiant_Day complemented, so Albert would feel alot better. Unstable_Day then ran infront of Placid_Day and shielded you and Albert from Placid_Day. "PLACID MOVE BACK FROM GUEST." Unstable_Day shouted at him, and Emotionless_Day had to pull him away again. You all then moved back downstairs.

"I'm not entirely sure if you know what's goes on outside the walls. Practical_Day informed. "However, there's been a war for about a while now." You remembered the night the Night Coalition invaded the day's city, seperated from Albert, you were kidnapped by them, escaped from out of the vents, and then met back up with Albert, and then walked into a cave for shelter. "Not very radiant times you can say!" Radiant_Day said. "HAHAHAH BEST JOKE EVER RADIANT." Unstable_Day manically laughed. "Yes, let us head into the facility." Emotionless_Day agreed. "We just recently delivered something vital for our research." Said Practical_Day. "However, due to some complications, I'm going to have to blindfold the two of you." You didn't really understand why, but you didn't say anything. "It'll just take a minute." Practical_Day then blindfolded Albert. Albert then began crashing into the wall, the stairs, you, and then Emotionless_Day held him close so he wouldn't crash into stuff anymore. "HAHAHAHA BLINDFOLD COOL." Unstable_Day began laughing and jumping up and down  the third time in a row, then Practical_Day began blindfolding you. You couldn't see anything, so you went still. Everything was just dark. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you!" Radiant_Day said, as he lead you somewhere unknown while you were basically blind. "Can you see us?" Practical_Day asked the two of you. "I can't see!" Albert responded. "Good, no peaking." "Do not hurt their eyes." Unpredictable_Day told Emotionless_Day and Radiant_Day. "YES GOOD!" Unstable_Day screeched happily. "0742987." Sorrowful_Day, Emotionless_Day, and Placid_Day said, and then you heard an electronic door open, and then close. "If you're wondering about the code, it's just for safety protocol.

1 minute later...

Finally, the blindfold is coming off. Once the blindfold was off, you and Albert were in a hallway with brown rusty walls, and a metal floor. You looked behind you, and there was Practical_Day, but the others were nowhere to be found.

To be continued...

You wont be seeing the light of day. [THE DAYS UNION FANFICTION]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant