Chapter 2

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"Alright." Practical_Day started. "Blindfold off."  "I can see!" Said Albert. "Welcome to the underground facility." Practical_Day welcomed them. "Come with me." Practical_Day walked into a large room with a pitch black glass wall, with... Red glowing eyes?... Next to it was a table, which could only fit 4 people. "Oh, and before we continue," Practical_Day went behind the table. Just then, a man in black clothing and a hazmat mask came into the room, and startled Albert. "Ah, yes, Emotionless." Practical_Day greeted the man with the hazmat mask. "Head into the observation room." You, Albert, and Practical_Day then walked over to the table, and Practical_Day went behind the table. "Identification time." Practical_Day announced. You looked behind you, at the door, and see Emotionless_Day bump into the wall, trying to get in through the door, get stuck in the doorway, and fall over once he got out. "Your name is Albert." He looked at Albert. "Yes." Albert responded. Practical_Day then turned to you. "And your name is Y/N." Practical_Day looked at you. "Yes." You responded, staring at nothing for the 100th time in a year. The eyes blinked, and you freaked out a little. "Both of your occupations?" Practical_Day asked. "We're both unemployed." Albert answered. It seems that Albert will do most of the talking. "Really? Hmm." Practical_Day sounded very surprised. "I find that a bit surprising, but I guess our workforce manager didn't see much to you both. Assuming Alberts... Body transformations." Albert was indeed insulted again. "Happens to the best of us. as you can see, everyone is observing. " In the distance, you heard faint laughter. "Unless, of course, you can't see, and we'll the glass turned pitch black, meaning it kicked in a bit." But what had kicked in? "I see little people with eyes." Said Albert. Practical_Day nodded. "Little people with eyes..." Practical_Day thought. "I guess that makes sense due to the glass, but they aren't that tall." Practical_Day had informed. "The suits they wear is to protect themselves from the Darkness."

"Alright," Practical_Day then walked away from the table, and walked over to your side. "We would continue the questions, however, we're going to observe 2 specimens." He had announced. Emotionless_Day was by the door. "Follow me." You, Albert, Practical_Day, and Emotionless_Day then walked down the hallway. Practical_Day was in the front, and Emotionless_Day was behind him watching you and Albert like a hawk. You felt very weird under his gaze. You all then walked into the observation room, and the rest of the day's were there. You couldn't tell who anyone was, except for Unstable_Day, Unpredictable_Day, and Practical_Day because they weren't wearing those suits. A man in the hazmat suit looked at you, and waved happily, and so radiantly. You could kinda tell that was Radiant_Day. "Everyone who's currently in gear, follow me." Practical_Day ordered. "Aye aye capt!" Saluted Radiant_Day, the one who waved at you. Everyone in the hazmat suit then followed Practical_Day into a very mysterious yet unsettling door, and you and Albert were left with Unstable_Day and Unpredictable_Day. Unstable_Day spinned around, and had a huge grin on his face. "SO HOW DAY?" He asked the both of you, over excitedly. "I'm ok." You respond, staring at nothing for the 101th time in a year. "Day... Good day." Albert responded. "YES OK DAY IS BEST DAY AND GOOD DAY IS NICE DAY." Unstable_Day jumped up and down, for the 4th-or 5th time in a row. I can't remember. "Good to hear." Unpredictable_Day mumbled, from across the room. Unstable_Day squinted at Albert's clothes, in which Albert looked like a cowboy prostitute. "WHY CHOOSE ATTIRE LIKE THAT?" Unstable_Day pointed at Albert's very fine outfit. "It makes me confident!" Albert then did a curtsy. "You shouldn't ask questions like that." Said Unpredictable_Day. "Whatever he wears, he wears." "YOU WEAR BAD STEAMPUNK HAT." Unstable_Day started yelling at Unpredictable_Day. "You are Unstable." Shot back Unpredictable_Day. "DIDNT ASKED FOR FACT OR OPINION." Unstable_Day shouted back, crossing his arms. "Be ashamed of that." Unpredictable_Day said to Unstable_Day. Unstable_Day froze, and let out blood curdling rage. You backed away into the corner.

A few seconds later...

Unstable_Day looked up. "I SEE WHY THEY CALL YOU UNPREDICTABLE HAHAHAHA!" Unstable_Day pointed and laughed at Unpredictable_Day. "I-" Unpredictable_Day inhaled. "Unstable, do not test me." "FINE FINE." Unstable_Day sighed. You all heard footsteps. "OH HES COMING NOW." Unstable_Day ran close to you. "YES YES GOOD!" He began jumping up and down again, like 999,999,444,221,711,911,827,271,719,999,821,811,799,126,919,717,799,112,911,116,811 times before.  "Goodie." You were slightly close to the door, and it opened. "STAND BACK GUEST." Unstable_Day pulled you away from the door, Practical_Day came out with a horrid creature. It was pitch black, so distorted, so pitiful, had a claw sticking out of its throat, and the whole thing was just... Miserable, and just so depressed. Its eyes looked drugged out. You watched in horror as Practical_Day brought it further into the room. "This is going to be fun!" Radiant_Day thought inside of his head. "[TEST SUBJECT] -24626562- [DARKNESS.]" Emotionless_Day identified the creature to be as. "What a cutie!" Radiant_Day made the monster feel a little better about itself. "Bring the darkness, make sure it follows me and keeps a distance." Ordered Practical_Day. Practical_Day then shoved the miserable creature into a room with a glass wall separating that room to the room you're in. "It is horrendous." Muttered Unpredictable_Day. "IT LOOKS LIKE YOU!" Unstable_Day pointed at Unpredictable_Day. "Jokes." Thought Unpredictable_Day. "Having fun, Y/N and Albert?" Radiant_Day squeezed in to ask you guys. "Yeah... Fun." Albert lied. "Its alright." You also lied. Radiant_Day could kinda see the two of you were lying, but he kept quiet. "This is what a "level 5" darkness looks like." Informed Practical_Day. "Its... Not the worst it can get." "DO SOMETHING DUMB SUBJECT!" Unstable_Day shouted and started banging on the glass wall, and the "level 5" darkness was startled, it began to run around, trying to get out of the glass hell it was in, almost like it was still human. "It's fast in speed." Said Practical_Day. "This is only the beginning." Radiant_Day thought inside of his head. Just then, the "level 5" darkness began roaring angrily. "HE ANGRY." Laughed Unstable_Day. "VERY ANGRY YES." "Some theories say the [NIGHTS] made it." Informed Practical_Day. "The disease that is. This one's safe, but still deadly."

"Bleh, they make me sick."  Thought Unpredictable_Day inside of his head. "SHALL WE TAKE BACK YES YES?" Asked Unstable_Day. "Yes, the [NIGHT OPERATIVES] have become active recently. They are dangerous, do not let them lure you both in [IDENTITY] Albert, and [IDENTITY] Y/N." Said Emotionless_Day. "HE GETTING VERY ANGRY!" Unstable_Day began laughing and jumped up and down for the 232,912,611,919,020,626,263,777,118,727th time in this story. "Theyre not so radiant." Thought Radiant_Day. "Theyre dangerous, as of each one is infected." Said Practical_Day.

To be continued...

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