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You sat up from your bed and opened the door. Radiant_Day and someone else in a hazmat suit were at your door. "Um, we need you to come with us." Said Radiant_Day, having an unusual tone of voice. Radiant_Day, you, and the other guy walked into the hallway where Adam, Albert, and everyone was at. "It appears as though a [TEST SUBJECT] escaped. We must leave immediately." Emotionless_Day informed. You felt your heart race, they finally believed him! "Not until getting your shot." Said Radiant. "Stand still." Macabre told you from behind. You then squeezed your eyes shut. You heard screams of confusion. And soon it was your turn... You were terrified but tried to keep calm at the same time. Finally, the needle was injected into you, but this time it was a lot more painful. You grunted in pain but held in your scream, and everything had turned red. You fell to the floor, but the pain soon went away and everything was really different. It was all darkness like the last time, but it still felt really different for some reason, and soon enough you passed out.

You wake up in a bed, in a rusty room which looked to be in an asylum. You looked over to the right to see only Benevolent_Day next to you with his soft smile. Just then, you heard the most haunting, disturbing, and deep wail ever. "Oh." Benevolent_Day looked at the door. "Seems like the [ASSISTANT] is making some noise. I'll be right back." Where is everyone? You thought. Benevolent_Day then left the room. Just then, you felt a cold and horrid presence behind you. You spun your head around and there he was... Horrid_Night... You shrieked as you backed up into the corner, that was the psychopath who kidnapped you! "Welcome home, [OUTSIDER] Y/N." He said to you. How the fuck does he know your name?! Was Benevolent_Day a traitor?! "Albert, you, and Adam will be [SACRIFICED] in [DUE TIME]!" He said, with his toothy sharp smirk and his red glowing eyes. He glared at you. In the distance, you heard another door open. You grabbed a nearby knife off of the table and pointed it at him. "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME YOU FUCKING PSYCHO!" You screamed at him frantically. He then flung the knife out of your hand angrily, grabbed your throat, and pushed you against the wall. "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? WE HAVE BEEN WATCHING YOU!" He screamed back at you. "The [NIGHT OPERATIVES] are coming. THE UNION WILL NO LONGER BE ABLE TO PROTECT YOU." His angry, furious eyes turned more crimson. He dropped you on the floor and began to calm down. "Farewell, he is [COMING]." He then disappeared into the shadows. The footsteps got louder and louder as you quickly jumped back onto the bed and into the position you once were and put the knife under the mattress. But wait, why did Benevolent_Day have a knife? This was an asylum! You didn't have time to think as Benevolent walked back in. "Apologies. The [ASSISTANT] was being so rowdy." Benevolent_Day said. "Anyways, how are you [FEELING]?" "I feel ok." You respond. You remembered you were in a completely different position. "You seemed to have leapt from the bed." He said. You felt like you should tell him what had just happened to you, and where Albert and Adam went. "Something happen?" He asked you. You shook your head, lying to him. "Ah. Allow us to move on, hopefully with the [REST] made you feel better." He then lead you into the hallsm where Albert was where it was DEFINITELY an asylum, but it looked abandoned, and there was no sight of Adam... Just then, the blob fish guy from earlier popped out and made that awful wailing noise again. "You seem [PARANOID]." Benevolent_Day said to you, the smile still remaining on his face. "Don't  worry. He won't do no harm!" You, Albert, and Benevolent then stepped into the elevator. The 2 of you felt very weird, but you didn't know why. Once you all stepped out of the elevator, Benevolent_Day walked up to a door. "I almost forgot! I have to get something." He said. He then went in. You and Albert then felt a horrid presence... You panicked and jerked back and ran away with Albert down the hall when Horrid_Night let out a gunshot. The blob fish head screeched in fear and let out a "YELPPP!!" You ducked down immediately. "DO NOT RUN!" Horrid_Night screamed. YOUR SACRIFICES SHALL BE SOON, YOU ARE SAFE OR YOU RATHER WONT BE SAFE AGAIN." He screamed at you and Albert, as he held up the gun. He then took his crimson eyes onto you. "He is returning." He then disappeared down the hallway and into the shadows. Benevolent_Day then walked out of the door."Phew! That was rough. My apologies." He said. The blobfish head looked very frightened. Benevolent then remembered something. "The [HOTEL]!" He began, "Believe it or not, there is a [HOTEL] in this [ASYLUM]. Would you like to see it?" You and Albert nodded your head yes. "Follow me!" Benevolent_Day then began walking.

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