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You woke up, but you didn't feel like it since above was a God like figure which stood infront of the sun, almost resembling it.

You snapped out of staring at the God like figure, and saw that you were laying next to Albert in a dark place with surprisingly bright green grass, but there were three others that were there

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You snapped out of staring at the God like figure, and saw that you were laying next to Albert in a dark place with surprisingly bright green grass, but there were three others that were there. It was like a cave, but it was huge and there looked to be no way out. "WOAH!" Said a person who was green and had a crown made of a leafy texture. You looked to your left, staring in awe at the sunflower. Their delicate petals looked soft yet drained. "WHO ARE YOU? YOU JUST FELL FROM THE SKY!" The crowned person wanted answers. "We went into a portal and ended up here." Answered Albert. "Ended up here." Are we in like undertale or something? You both thought. "OH MY GOD WHATS THAT IM FOREST OVERSEER I OVERSEE THE FOREST AND THE WANDERERS!" The crowned person introduced himself to be. There was a plant too, you looked at the plant. The plant looked back and smiled, "I'm a plant." They said. It seemed that the flower got jealous of the plant, so the flower wanted the attention back, "I'm a flower." Said the flower, trying to fix their petals. "See my plant? Its growing!" The plant asked both of you. You nodded yes, maybe this wasn't so bad Great_Day described it to be after all! ForestOverseer then glared at Albert, but not you for some reason. "DONT BE RUDE SAY HI." He said to Albert. You felt a little worried about what might happen if Albert is 'rude'. You smiled softly at the plant then turned to the flower again, the flower smiled, not just like any smile, a beautiful one. You felt flattered by it, with your heart fluttering a bit to their floral and delicious smell. You were like a butterfly. "I'm blossoming!" The flower said, seeming pleased by the attention. "I'm Sprouting_Bud/Plant." The plant introduced themself, "My name is Draining_Sunflower!" The flower also introduced themself. ForestOverseer then glared at Sprouting_Bud/Plant. "GO WATERING AREA SPROUTING_PLANT NOW!" The overseer shouted at him, making Sprouting_Bud/Plant run in fear to the watering area, but why in fear?...

ForestOverseer then looked up and gasped. "OH MY GOD LOOK UP LOOK UP!" You looked up, it was the sun person again with the sun gleaming behind them. You gazed up at the angelic figure as their eyes poured down on everyone. "Greetings my children." The sun said. "THE SUN THE SUN THE SUN!" ForestOverseer gazed in awe at the sun. "PRAISE THE SUN." Said Draining_Sunflower. Everyone got down on their knees and starting praising, you started to feel a little weird now. ForestOverseer then glared at Draining_Sunflower. "Go to the water hole you are bothering us Draining_Sunflower!" ForestOverseer shouted at Draining_Sunflower, which made their petals wilt a bit. You felt bad as Draining_Sunflower walked off into the dark, looking at you one last time and waving. You waved back and you smiled softly at eachother as Draining_Sunflower walked into the darkness, never to be seen again...

ForestOverseer then looked back at you and Albert. "NOW TELL ME WHERE YOU COME FROM WE KEEP SECRET BUT FOLLOW ME!" He said, sounding a bit more friendly again yet a little unsettling. Well, here goes nothing, you and Albert are getting another tour.

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