My boy

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Athena's POV:

I have been living the same life for the past five months and I have come out from MIA by killing a man a few days back. It's been very tough without her it's lonely. I have already forgotten about the family issue. It's like life does not matter to me anymore with her gone and everybody leaving me...

Right now, I am searching through my wardrobe to get ready to go to the mafia base but a letter suddenly falls near my feet.

Curiosity getting the best of me, I sat on the bed to read it.

Hey babe,

                     It's me, love. If you are reading this letter then it meant I am no longer with you. I am so sorry for what I have done to you but I cannot handle the pain and nightmares anymore and act all tough. You have tried your best with me to be safe and strong but it is me who cannot handle it. Do not be guilty and blame yourselves for what I have done. Please take care of yourself and I am sorry I am not there for you to hold, kiss, cuddle and talk to during nightmares but please be strong. Please find your family you always wanted to find. Do not blame yourselves and move on. Please find love and love yourselves first. Be strong for me and for the mafia. They are many families dependent on you. Do not crumble you are stronger than you thought which is proof as you are reading this letter after what you have been through and do not do any self-harm. I love you so much that it hurts to leave you and to think we cannot make a future and I cannot be in the future with you. Please take care of Leo and yourselves. NOW, wipe the tear off your beautiful face and smile. There is that smile I love. Save the beautiful memories we shared and enjoy the rest of your life. Find the man you always dreamt of in your dreams and find your family. Now hold your head high like the fucking queen you are and go rule the world and enjoy your life to the full.

                                                                                                                                                 Lots of love,

                                                                                                                                              Your Camilla.

 I read the letter almost 100 times by now with tears running down my face. I really wanted to do something but I cannot and I have to follow her last wish and I have my son to be responsible for and take care of.

Yes, I did not tell you right, I have a son LEANARDO MIGUEL GARCIA. Yes, I did name his middle name after my father who I have a few dreams about during my pregnancy. He is 4 years old and brave and talented for his age. He can be lovely and deadly at the same time, he is very protective of me and will shoot anyone if they see me wrongly for more than one minute. Yes, he can shoot for his safety sometimes, so I made him learn it.  He is also very mature all my workers adore him and fear him. He is a devil sometimes. I live for him. 

Speaking of him, I listen to the small foot pats coming from the hallway and the door opens in comes my son.

" MOMMY!!!" he squeals and jumps on me in excitement.

 But I had no time to clear my tears before he notices and frowns. 

"What happened mommy?" he asked in his cute little voice with a pout on his face.

 I clear my throat before wiping my tears and tell "Nothing baby, Mommy is just thinking of someone." 

He thinks and asks "Is it, aunt Camilla?"

 My face formed into a small sad smile and I said " Yes baby". 

"Don't worry mommy, aunt Camilla is happy you should be too." He tells me in his baby voice.

"Okay baby I will. Now, Come on let's eat breakfast and then get you to school." I tell him

"Okay mommy, But I want pancakes," he tells jumping up and down on the bed with excitement.

"Okay then Blueberry pancakes it is." then he drags me from my room saying 'yahhh' and giggling.

Hearing his laugh is very lovely and my boy is all I want to live.

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