The Training Session

Start from the beginning

I still couldn't stop laughing though. It felt oddly good. "I'm going to kill them all." I giggled trying to suppress my laughter.

The gamemaker raised an eyebrow clapped her hands. "Bravo, Mark Titus, now you just have to actually do it."


Willow Sash, District 11

I wasn't quite sure what I was going to show the gamemakers. I didn't want sponsors, I didn't really want to make it past the bloodbath, I didn't even want to live. So in all reality there was no point in me wasting my energy and showing them anything. It was pointless.... just like life.

I let out a sigh and stared blankly ahead as I'd been doing most of the time these days. I knew Kaiden sat beside me looking at me with concern as he'd been doing most of the time lately. I ignored him, I still hadn't told him why I volunteered, though I knew I owed it to him. He  had been my friend for most of my teen years, I let out a small laugh as I remembered Xander and Wilder still back home. I remembered the days before I depression had set in and I'd been happy; the four of us running through district 11 causing mass destruction in our wake.

Those had been the good days, but like most people, I'd grown up and realized nothing was truly good. You are born, you live, and you die. You're like a hamster trapped in a wheel, running it's heart out with no hope of really achieving anything.

After ages I heard my name called over the intercom, really I could've cared less if it was ages more. Slowly I stood up and stretched my limbs, I was in no hurry to get in there. Suddenly I felt two warm arms pull me into a bearhug.


"Good luck Wil." He said letting go. I wondered how he could be so unconditional after I'd blown him off so many times since the reaping, but I was glad for it.

I send him a forced smile, "Thanks, Kaiden, but you know I don't need it. I am luck." I turned my back and walked away from him letting my smile fall from my face. I hated to be fake with people, but it was what I had to do. I didn't want to be a problem for any of my friends and family, and most certainly I didn't want any of the to feel hurt because they couldn't help me. I was too far gone.

I threw my weight against the door and pushed it open, walking into the big empty room. The gamemaker looked over at me, clearly distracted by a large purple haired man who spoke in her ear fervently.  "Ah, you have 7 minutes to display your greatest skills." She said loosely before turning back to the man.

I sat down crossing my legs and watching her. Quite honestly I had no interest in doing anything. She didn't even bother to glance over at me, I noticed. I wondered what score she would give me for just sitting here  and doing nothing. Would she even know that I was doing nothing? An interesting enough experience for me to carry out. And so I just sat there and stared at her dumbly. I watched as the purple man blushed at whatever the woman had said to him. She then proceeded to slap him much to my amusement. Really wasn't I supposed to be the one entertaining them? The tables had turned for once as most of them toppled around drunk saying things that I don't think anyone in their sane mind would even think of saying.

After a timer buzzed the green haired woman turned back to me with a pleasant smile, "Thank you Willow Sash for that wonderful display. You are dismissed please exit through the door on your right." She pointed left and Willow had to swallow her amusement.

The woman literally had no clue.


I Really have no excuse for not updating. My life was crazy and then I got writers block. I'm sorry guys.

Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to @majadebr because I told her I'd update within the week and it took me 27 days. I'm sorry. <3

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