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It was a dream, thank goodness it was just a dream. My eyes fluttered open, I find myself in Douma's room but it's dark. My memories of last night are a bit fuzzy, but I can still remember Douma sucked my blood last night and I fainted. I look at the curtains and they are drawn down and the small glow from behind them tells me that it's already morning. I'm about to get up and open the curtains, did I draw them down? Oh yeah, I fell out the window,

I lightly brush the side of my neck where he had bitten me, and I realize that my neck has been bandaged, did I bleed a lot? I almost find myself squealing inside, something so unlike me, I mentally cringe, so what if he wrapped a bandage on your wound?

Suddenly I hear another person's breathing and I freeze, it's slow and I guess they're sleeping. I look to my right and Douma lays there beside me. My eyes adjust to the darkness and my surroundings become clearer. I glance down at Douma as I sit up, thinking he was kind of cute. I sit on the bed not moving, trying not to wake him. My sister's voice echoes in my head, one of when she was angry and one where she was kind,

Both of the Kanaes in my dream were right though. I have changed, a lot and even lost my thirst for revenge on Douma, but on the other hand Douma had changed too, at least from what I see. But that didn't stop my strong feeling of guilt whenever I liked him being with me, it felt so wrong. If anyone were to find out, my guess would be how people would hate and despise me,

A scenario of all the other Hashiras circled round me, very disappointed and disgusted at what I have become, I flinch. Where are they now? What are they doing? I hope they aren't trying to look for me, they probably think I'm dead. Oyakata-sama (Kagaya) pops into my head and I feel even more ashamed thinking of what he would say about me, 

My mind told me to get the hell out of here but my heart wanted me to stay and my dream about Kanae telling me things would be alright gave me even more hope. I sigh out loud, maybe a little too loud, as Douma stirs, makes some inaudible sounds and stretches, looking up at me with one eye before chuckling to himself, making me embarrassed,

"What are you thinking of?" he rasps,

His eyes close back,

"Oh, nothing..." I shrug, acting like nothing was a big deal,

He just smiles, his eyes still closed. Suddenly he yanks me and somehow I end up under him and he hovers over me, he looks intently into my eyes, and I guess he's trying to do his mind reading. I hold my breath as his face slowly edges closer to mine,

"Yeah, okay stop." I'm about to push him off but he holds my hands,

"Shinobu-chan, I think I know what could make me feel better," he says, he leans forward and whispers in my ear, "Your blood.",

"Huh?! No! Get off me!" I shout in disbelief, flinging my arms and legs but he doesn't seem to move, just amused,

"Shinobu-chan likes it when I suck her neck though." he mocks me, smirking, and I can't help but flush,


"Hmm? Okay, I wouldn't do it again." he smiles

"N-yes don't." I stammer and he raises a brow,

"For real what's wrong Shinobu?" he falls on the empty side next to me,

I look away from him because I felt my facial expression may give away my thoughts, but mostly because Douma can mind read, or something like that. I turn back to him, it wouldn't hurt to just rant a little? I mean, it's not like my life could get any more upside down than it already is, so like, no big deal. I nervously fiddle with the loosely tied bandage before taking in a breath,

"I think I should go," I blurt, ah shit, that's not what I wanted to say, "Like immediately, I need to go back to the Demon Slayer Corps." my mouth blabbers, I wasn't even controlling my mouth at this point,

His facial expression stays stone cold neutral, it kind of made me scared,

"N-no, that's not what I meant." I stammer, trying to make amends, 

He just studies me, with that face, his mouth doesn't twitch, his eyebrows stay relaxed, just as if what I had said didn't hit anything, like he did want me to go. I realise how desperate I feel, for him to ask me to stay or feel sad, but nothing, I don't bother telling myself how cringe and cheesy that sounds. His head slowly nods,

"I-I'll go now... Thank you for taking care of me." I say quietly scrambling out of the blanket,

How pathetic can I be? Am I really that same person that was fighting Douma back at the Infinity Castle? I think I may have let my emotions do my thinking, I can't think rationally. I bite my lip as I get out of the bed. I have changed, really changed. This would be for the best. I'm about to slide off the side when a hand grabs my waist and pulls me back on, I gasp,

I feel my stomach drop, but not out of sadness, but, happiness. I look over my shoulder to see Douma frowning slightly,

"I didn't say you should go," he growls, I can almost hear a bit of anger, "I wouldn't take care of you, if I intended on letting you go." he says lowly, his eyes glow,

"Douma." I manage to say, slightly confused,

"You're going to stay here, with me." he whispers roughly, removing my bandage,

I gulp, "Are you sure?" I ask shakily,

"You heard me Shinobu." he sets the bandage aside, before staring at his bitemark,

"Why?" I whisper,

"Stop acting all innocent. I still have a promise I made you, I'll show you why I brought you here.", he throws me back on the bed,

My breaths are fast, and I'm sure my face is red. He looks down at me, and before I can comprehend anything, he presses his lips against mine, huh?



Smut? Or no smut? hmmmMmm.. 

Remember to openly say anything you would like to happen in the story. Every opinion and idea will be read, but not everything I can write in a chapter w/ only 1k words..

Tysm for reading DouShino! <3

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