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Shinobu POV

I wake up again, groaning as I find myself in the same place. I look at the table beside me; a bowl of soup sits there, and it seems to have cooled down, just how long have I been asleep? I look around making sure no one was here, I slowly take the bowl of soup, and took a little sip, I've been extremely thirsty and had no other choice than to drink this, otherwise I wouldn't have, because it's from Douma,

The pain in my chest is not bad anymore, so I sit up, letting my legs fall from the side of the bed. Okay, I guess I'll try to find any means of escape, I am pretty much useless without my sword and that wooden stick was stupid, and I still have a big ass wound on my chest, things can't get worse,

Immediately, when I saw him back there at the infinity castle, hatred filled me, he was smiling killing and devouring innocent people. He had heartlessly killed my sister and I couldn't do anything then. I promised that I'd avenge her, but I almost got killed by him, I didn't even lay a scratch on him, and I couldn't even save that young girl back there,

I'm sorry Kanae, I couldn't do anything. Now, he's keeping me here captive for whatever reason, I don't know, but if all this was to die for, I guess I can accept that. I'll be finally meeting you again soon I guess. I close my eyes and let out a long sigh,

"It's over for me soon." I mumble, jumping of the bed,

"Aww, don't be so depressed!" A hand grabs my leg, and I almost shriek in fear,

I kick his face, and he lets me go, frowning. Shit, did he see me drink his soup?

"Get away from me, you demon, and could you tell me where my sword is?" I ask calmly,

"Nope, not until you get better, then I'll let you avenge your sister." he crawls out from under the bed, getting up,

"Whatever you're doing, I have accepted my fate. I'm an injured Hashira, held captive by upper two, and you can kill me anytime soon." I say with emptiness,

"Wow, very observant, but no." he claps, making me pissed off,

"Okay, now leave me alone, or do you want to kill me now? This is worse than any injury; you are keeping me here, without killing me and I don't have my sword to kill you off." I spit at him,

"You drank the medicine I gave you!" he blushes, changing the topic drastically,

"Yes, is there a problem?" I ask, hiding my embarrassment under my cool demeanour that is close to breaking,

"How does it taste?" he pushes further,

"Normal." I sweat,

"Are you sure?"


"Why didn't you take more then?"

"Because I don't want to."

"But you like it don't you?"

"I never said that." I break eye contact, when I notice how close his face is to mine, which makes him lightly laugh,

"You smell good Shinobu, you know that?" he suddenly appears from behind, his breath against my neck,

I spin round,

"Stop trying to be all friendly, because you're going to kill me soon anyway." I raise my voice, struggling to keep a cool composure,

"What if I don't want to kill you?" he suddenly grabs my waist from behind me,

"Then you're lying." I try to free myself from his grasp,

"Do you know what makes a demon a demon?" he whispers in my ear,

"You're Muzan's dogs," I hiss, losing my cool "And what the hell are you doing? Get your filthy hands off me, bitch.",

"No, we eat humans," he licks my neck, "Now, if you don't mind, I'm a bit hungry." he sighs,

My eyes widen in anger. I try to elbow him but he doesn't budge, just grips me tighter. I feel his breath hot against my neck as his fangs brush against my skin, I pull away as far as I can go, but I can't stop him; his stronger,

"Don't you dare!" I shout in half panic, I couldn't let myself be tasted by a demon,

That seems to work, as he suddenly stops and laughs,

"Let me rephrase that, I am hungry and I will drink your blood.",

My blood runs cold, I move as much as I can to stop him from biting into my flesh, but how long can I last like this? He seems to have lost his patience, after a bit of struggling,

"Don't move." he says in a low voice, so he can be serious?

"No! I am not going to be devoured by you! I was here to avenge my sister, not killed by you!" I yell, trying my best to remove his hands from my waist,

He pauses in thought for a moment,

"Fine then." he says,

Suddenly he spins me round, pushing me against the door, and a flash of pain goes through me, and I grit my teeth looking up. He appears in front of me, and he holds both my arms tight, putting his knee between my legs, preventing me from fighting back,

"Get of me!" I kick him as hard as I can,

I feel something cold wrap round my legs and stomach. He smirks down at me and I glare at him as I try to move,

"I'm only going to drink your blood." he says as he bends down,

He's breath touches my shoulder. I close my eyes tight, waiting for the pain. I feel his fangs dig into my flesh, I wince, but then I don't feel anything. I open my eyes again, confused. He looks up at me licking his lips stained with my blood,

"You taste good." he wipes off the remaining blood on his chin,

He goes back to my neck, licking it before biting into me again, I wince again. His fangs feel uncomfortable in my skin. I try to move my neck but he holds my head in place with one hand and ice ropes restrain my other hand from moving,

"Don't move, you're going to injure yourself more." he mumbles as he sucks my blood,

"You demon." I say through gritted teeth,

He drinks from me for a bit longer before he lets me go. He cleans the blood stained on my neck, before his ice ropes melt away,

"You should take a bath, you moving around created such a mess." he sighs, pointing at a door, probably to the bathroom,

He heads out smiling like a child before closing the door behind him.

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