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The world stopped stopped, and I bet a million that the world came to a halt, everything went quiet. The only sound I could make out was the loud thumping of my heart as it sped up. Panic started to rise at the back of my throat but I forced myself to say nothing, making sure my face stayed unmoving. I decide to say something as it would make whatever Douma meant right,

"What do you mean?" my voice came out a little more shakier than I intended it to be, and internally screamed and cursed at myself,

"Hmm," Douma hummed, as he crawled out from under the bed, finally sitting on the floor resting at the side of the bed, before looking up at me amused, "Don't be shy now, you dirty bitch." he smirks,

I'm a little taken aback- No very taken aback, by his sudden use of curse words to me and a little offended. But panic and embarrassment, keep my ego at bay. But why would he of all things, call me a bitch?! What the fuck did I do? I think of something to say, but the only thing that mistakenly comes out my mouth,

"How?" I blink, what have I done? I practically admitted to whatever,

He tilts his head, and realisation hits his face, "Oh, you must be wondering what I'm even talking about?" I nod, "Shinobu-chan, thinks aloud a lot." he smiles, and he has a dirty look on his face,

Shit, did he like hear me talk about babies? I resort to the best thing to do; act dumb,

"Huh? What?",

He sighs loudly and looks at me with a bored expression,

"Do I have to spell out everything?" he snorts getting up,

With nothing to defend myself I break the eye contact and look at the ground, "No." I reply quietly, I don't dare look back up as I keep my blush in,

But I hear Douma stepping closer and I clench my fists as I mentally prepared for Douma to make fun of me, or whatever he wanted to do,

"Are you embarrased?" his tone is soft but I don't look up, "Don't worry Shinbou-chan! I think it's a normal feeling humans possess." he explains, and I want to say how stupid it is for him to say such a thing but, I keep silent, staring hard at the ground, where I see his feet in view,

They step closer and closer, until I'm sure he's right in front of me, looking down at me. His eyes burn into my head and I can't help but look up. I see his pair of beautiful rainbow coloured eyes, staring down at me with curiosity, it looks like a human's. His face is slightly flushed as he puts on a small smile on his face and I wonder if it's a real one,

Though it feels like I've been staring at him for hours, it was only a split second before I looked away frowning. No, Shinobu. I hear a hitch in his breath, so I figure he was taken aback by my reaction. I walk past him and without turning back,

"You, you should leave I want to take a bath.",

He doesn't say anything but heads to the door and slowly walks out. I see his shadow disappear down the hallway, and I let out a long breath that I've been holding in. What was that? He's flushed face flashes in my head and I widen my eyes, could it be he actually likes me? I thought he was joking whenever he said so- I stop my optimistic thoughts,

But he heard me. I bite my lip hard and my face heats up in embarrassment, how could I be so careless? I stay rooted to the spot, rethinking everything that just happened and I cringe, this is so stupid. I shake my head, walking to the bathroom.


The next few days went smoother than I had expected. Though Douma was as usual, not around very often, but when he did show up, he thankfully acted as if nothing had happened. But Douma seemed to be upset and tired. The other servants didn't seem to notice any change in Douma, it was only me, maybe it was just because I knew more about demons than them,

Several theories had popped into my head and almost of them ended with one conclusion, Douma was losing his demon abilities. It sounded crazy and stupid but I couldn't think of anything else more sensible,

I had just finished doing afternoon duties with Ritsuka and Aiko. They had urged me to stay a while with them to talk about life but I excused myself anyway, too much was in my head and I didn't feel like talking, and I was sure Ritsuka wanted to know about my love life,

I stepped into Douma's room and slumped on the bed. How long have I stayed at Douma's temple? I thought to myself but didn't bother remembering. I look around the room, Douma hardly came here, and when I was stuck in here I thought he'd soon send me to a prison, but I guess not. I didn't even think of this as his room, it was more or less mine now,

I glance out the window, and I see the same view I've seen countless times already but the beauty still manages to get my mouth to open. The sun was lowering and it's bottom was touching the horizon. I thought about skipping bathing today, but I thought better and lazily got up and trudged to the bathroom. I look in the mirror, and my hair had gotten noticeably longer, I sigh and undress.


I stumbled out of the bathroom, walked over to the windows, and pulled it open, airing my hair because I was too lazy to dry it. I looked at the sun, only a tiny bit of it remained but it lit the meadows with a orange tint. The wind rushed into the room and I sighed satisfied. I shake my head and comb my hair with my fingers to dry it faster,

My hair finally dries and I start to shut the windows, but then I see a small figure a distance away, but I could easily tell who it was. I see Douma, with his hat perched on top of his attractive build. I wonder if he's also looking at the sun or if he's just looking at his temple,

I stare at his figure a while longer and I notice that the sun had totally sunk under the horizon, and now the moon floated above us. I lit the fields in a silvery light and grass seemed to glow a soft white. Douma still stands there and I foolishly sit on the window sill, letting my legs hang out and I swing them in a carefree manner,

I must've been careless or something, I leaned out as far as I could but then I miscalculated and before I knew it I felt myself in mid air. I looked down to where I was going to collapse and I couldn't help but let a high pitched shriek slip out of my mouth. I shut my eyes waiting for the impact, but it doesn't come. I can tell I'm in someone's arms,

I open my eyes slowly, and Douma's pretty face comes into view. He stares down at me eyes wide and amused. His eyes crinkle and I blush in embarrassment,

"Uhm, hey." I choke.



Ahem, so sorry for the late update ;-; I-I'm so sorry!!

Anyways, I haven't touched this story for a while so I had to read thru the last chap to get an idea of what I was doing xD

But I feel like my writing deteriorated during the time I've spent lazing around. But yes I hope this chap was decent! ^^

Tysm for reading DouShino! <3

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