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Shinobu POV

The last thing I remember was an intense sharp pain, as Douma sliced into my chest, my vision blurred, and the last thing I saw was Douma smiling at me... Then I blacked out.


"Hmmhmmmmmhmm..." someone hums,

My head hurts as I unglue my eyes, I don't remember much... Where am I anyway? I try to sit up but a sharp pain flashes through my body. I groan as the throbbing pain starts to die down once I relax. That's when I remember, Douma, where is he? Am I in heaven?...

"Ahh, you're awake now!" Or not...,

I slowly turn my stiffened neck, and my eyes grow wide in shock and disbelief. Anger rages through me, but I literally can't do anything, because of that stupid pain, and my sword is not with me anyway,

I'm face to face with the upper moon two, Douma,

"What are you doing here! Where have you taken me!" I spit in disgust and fury,

He just smiles, and lets out a small laugh, which does nothing but piss me off more than I am already,

"Where are the others?!" I continue,

"Chill, I ran away from that place, so I didn't kill anybody... I did all that to save you Shinobu darling." he says, his face flushed,

I cringe, this demon is crazy! I glare at him, as that is all I can do, for now,

"Your reaction is so cute!" he laughs getting up,

"Tell me where I am!! I swear once I get better I'll kill you! I'll revenge my sister!" I yell at the top of my voice, as hate rises in my body,

He is about to head out but stops, and turns slightly,

"You're at Paradise Faith cult; my temple, and good luck with killing me." he smiles before heading out,

After he leaves, I sigh in frustration, confusion, anger and a mix of other emotions. I can't get a grip of what Douma is doing or why. The pain in my body still remains and I can't move. I look round the room trying to look for my sword, but it's nowhere. I sigh in hopelessness, I stare at the ceiling calming myself down. As a Hashira it's my duty to put my life on the line to save innocent people from demons, but right now, I don't know what to do... 


I slowly drift back into consciousness. I open my eyes, a bit disappointed what happened earlier wasn't a dream. I look around, he's still not here... I slowly sit up, careful not to hurt myself, the pain seems to have reduced and I can move again,

I look around the room for my sword but with no luck at finding it. I grab a long wooden stick which wasn't very ideal but would do for a tiny bit. I get my breathing under control as I quietly run over to the ajar door,

The place is very quiet and I can't seem to hear anything, so I sprint out, keeping my body low to the ground. I reach a big closed door, and from the other side, I hear screams, my body heats up in disgust and anger,

I barge in, tightening my grip on the wooden stick. Douma sits there, blood splattered all over his body, he hold a woman's head in his arms, as he licks his fingers, other bodies lay around him and a young woman is crouched in the far corner of the room shaking and crying in shock,

Anger boils up in me, but I keep a cool demeanour. I stay put for a second before charging towards him,

Insect breathing, second form, true flutter,

I dash towards him at a fast speed, before thrusting the sharp part of the stick into his neck, with my sword I could have injected poison into him, but this is a mere wooden stick. It pierces his veins and blood flows out slowly before it immediately regenerates,

I leap backwards, with my now broken stick, keeping my breathing in check, as the pain in my chest throbs again,

"You over there, get out!" she nods quickly before scurrying out of the room,  

I grit my teeth as the stinging pain in my chest hurts even more when I take a charging stance,

"That was a good hit Shinobu! But you let my meal escape! Oh and you're still hurt!" he rambles with a sickening smile plastered on his face,

"Shut up, you make me sick." I spit,

Insect breathing, fourth form, hundred-legged zigzag,

I sprint around him as fast as I can muster myself to, he just sits there smiling. I thrust the stick towards his neck, but then before I hit him, a shard of ice blocks me, I try to pull out the stick but it's frozen in the ice too,

A cold breath hits my neck and I turn round, leaping into the air away from him, he is so fast. I land on the floor grabbing my wound, panting. He disappears from my sight, immediately appearing behind me, throwing me up, before catching me,

"Tsk, tsk, your attacks are weak, but what can I say, you're badly hurt! Ahh, your wound opened up again." he sighs, carrying me back to the room where I stayed,

"You bastard, put me down!" I try to wriggle out, but he just holds me tight,

I try to bite his hand, but he ignores me. I groan in frustration,

"Why are you keeping me here? Normally a demon would have killed me since, not to mention I'm a Hashira." I question coldly,

"You are very cute Shinobu, I'll show you why later... Once you get better." he smiles,

He kicks the door open, and lays me down on the bed,

"Drink this, I heard it helps wounds!" he slides a bowl of soup towards me,

I eye him suspiciously, why would I trust him? He is upper moon two,

"What does Muzan want? He sent you to do this after all right? A demon has no use except to obey Muzan like a dog!" I hiss,

His face drops for a moment before brightening up again,

"This doesn't have to do with him, but I'll wait for you to heal, then you can avenge your sister." he winks mockingly,

"Don't you dare talk about my sister!" I yell, anger flowing through my head,

I throw the bowl at him, which just breaks when it hits him,

"I'll go send someone to give you another bowl." he waves off his hand as he exits the room,

The door closes shut, and I sit there angrily staring at the door. What does this demon want from me?

DouShino -DISCONTINUED-Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ