Charlie shrugged but didn't respond. He gestured to Bryson with his head, and I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. He indicated that it was better to ask Bryson and not him.

"Well?" I asked, and Bryson cleared his throat and shrugged, too. I rolled my eyes and scowled but didn't say another word on the issue because I had a feeling that no one was going to answer me.

"Ok, what about Treble?" Grayson asked, changing the subject, and I looked at him. "Should he worry about you, still?"

I nodded. "He should always worry about me, especially if we are alone together and there is no one that can stop me from killing him." I picked something else off of my plate and ate it. "He knows, so he hasn't been near my friends or me. We aren't in the same classes together, rarely pass each other in the hallways, and he leaves when I enter a room, and ya." I shrugged. "It's not that I told him to leave the room, but he does on his own."

"And must I remind you that you almost went to jail for attempted murder," Copo reminded me, and I rolled my eyes and scowled. "If I were him, then I wouldn't be around you either."

"Well, it's a good thing that you don't have anything to worry about, don't you?" I sassed back. I shrugged before I took another bite of my food. "Besides, it's not like I can't do anything since I am like six hours away and in a different state than you."

Jack snorted and leaned back in his seat. "I don't think that will be a problem if something happens to one of us and you hear about it," he said and looked at Kayla, who had been silent through the whole conversation before he looked at me.

I stayed silent and pressed my lips into a thinner line because he was right; if something happened to my friends, then I'd be going straight there in six hours or less and dealing with the problem myself, even if it meant that I'd be the one in trouble.

Reggie cleared his throat, and I looked at him. "Ich nehme an, ihr ist etwas passiert, dass Sie ihn fast umgebracht haben? (I take it that something happened to her for you to almost kill him?)" he asked and nodded towards Kayla. "Ich fing den Blick auf, den er ihr zuwarf. (I caught the look he gave her.)"

I set my jaw and slowly nodded. "Ja, (Yes,)" I said, my voice hard. "Es ist ihr passiert. (It happened to her.)" My voice turned slightly darker while my anger flared, and I had to look away from them so that they wouldn't see the gold that I knew was in my eyes.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly calmed down and was able to make sure that my eyes weren't gold when I looked at them again. I kept my face blank while I calmed my anger, even though I knew that there would be a bubbling point until I couldn't control it any longer.

"Was ist passiert? (What happened?)" he asked.

I smiled bitterly and shook my head, not answering him. "Es steht mir nicht zu, das zu sagen. (It's not my place to say,)" I replied, my voice shaking slightly. "Das kann ich ohne ihre Erlaubnis nicht sagen. (I can't say that without her permission.)"

"Du kannst ihnen sagen, (You can tell them,)" Kayla said, her voice barely above a whisper that I had to strain my ears to hear her. She cleared her throat and shifted in her seat, not looking like the strong female that I knew she was.

She looked pale and afraid, something that I knew happened when we discussed this in the past. Her eyes were wide and filled with tears while she looked around, thinking that he was in the shadows to get her and finish what he had started before I had shown up and saved her.

I wasn't surprised that she knew German, so it didn't shock me like it shocked the rest of our group because they were looking at her with wide eyes and open mouths. "Bist du sicher? (Are you sure?)" I asked instead and raised an eyebrow.

Kayla hesitated but nodded. "Ja, (Yes,)" she said. "Kopenhagen kennt nicht einmal die ganze Wahrheit. (Copenhagen doesn't even know the whole truth.)" She glanced at our, well, their, principal before she looked at me. "Sie können es ihnen sagen. (You can tell them.)"

I pressed my lips into a thin line and nodded before I cleared my throat. Worry for my best friend filled me, and I knew that she would be reliving those moments while I talked about them. "Du willst aussteigen? (Do you want to step out?)" I asked and tucked my head closer to my chest.

Kayla took a deep, shuddering breath and shook her head, no. "Ich werde in Ordnung sein, (I'll be fine,)" she said softly, even though we both knew that she wouldn't be. "Es wird gut sein, darüber zu sprechen. (It'll be good to talk about it.)"

I heard the doubt in her voice, but I didn't comment on it, knowing full well that she didn't want me to bring it to everyone's attention.

Instead, I cleared my throat and nodded before I looked at my group and then the group that was gathered around me. "So, this happened back in ninth grade," I said and leaned back in my seat.

I ignored the plate of food in front of me, my focus only on the people that were gathered around me. My jaw was set while I looked at them, the anger boiling just below the surface as it had done in the past.

"But in all honesty, I can remember this as if it only happened yesterday."

The Reincarnated (Book 2A of Wolfcreek Series)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें