"According to the court rules, we are still legally allowed to see her," Patricia speaks up, smirking at me, thinking tctually going to let them see my daughter.

"You're scaring her, get out." Controlling myself from swearing, I was almost about to slip it out of my tongue and the only thing stopping me was Dalia. "After what you did by filing for this case, my daughter doesn't want to be anywhere near you."

"Don't cause a scene and leave before I call our men," Sebastian says, showing his gun towards them making them tense up in milliseconds. A low chuckle escapes my mouth, patting Dalia's back to make sure she was okay.

"Baby are you okay?" I whisper to her and with one motion of a 'no', I knew why. "Do you want them to leave, princess?" I ask her and she lifts  head up, quickly glancing over and shakes her head once again.

"Yes dada."

"Leave right now." I was burning with outrage and whatever was stopping me from blowing up, I was somewhat grateful for it because Dalia should never see me like this.

And what I need to do is go to Scarlett.

"You'll pay for this Elijah." William was speaking with anger- the way on his wrinkled face that I knew he was trying so hard to threaten me. He thinks of me as someone of disdain, that I'm not worthy and sometimes it makes me wonder if he forgets that I'm the mafia.

"Whatever William. Now get out before I do something I'll regret."

"She has our blood, Elijah. You won't get rid of it that easily." Patricia utters out before they leave, snorting so derisively that only lets a surge of frustration overcome me.

Revulsion is the only word to describe what's going on. Hearing both of their menacing chuckles irritates me and I'm ready to cause chaos before the real play even starts. "The only blood she has is mine. Back off Stanley or you'll see the worst."

"You'll see the worst Elijah Miller." Backs facing me, they walk off with evilness and danger which I have to keep Dalia away from.

The moment they leave, I put Dalia on top of the table, standing her still and as I do, I only see fear in those pure sapphire orbs.

"Baby- you're okay." Whispering to her, I kiss her forehead and rub her rosy cheeks.

"Dada gwapa scwy." She almost was about to cry but I stop her before she could.

"He's not going to come again, okay? I won't let them." Giving her a small smile, she slowly bobs her head and wraps her small hands around my neck.

"I sty wit you dada." She presses a kiss on my cheek as if she knew I waabout s upset this.

"Yes sweetheart, me and you forever remember?" I tell her, kissing her forehead one more time before she pulls me into a hug.

"Me and you fwvr."



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