Chapter 9

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Next I reached office on time and got ready my boss 's coffee without him asking

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Next I reached office on time and got ready my boss 's coffee without him asking. Placing his coffee on his table I removed my tab to inform him about his schedule today.

Exactly at the same time Abhik came inside.

"Good Morning Boss."

"A very good morning Drithi",  said Abhik cheerfully.

" Here is your coffee and today's schedule."

"Wow... my assistant after many years is reciting me schedule. Continue continue...." Sarcastically he replied.

Ya..he saying truth. I literally stopped coming to his cabin for reading his schedule. I usually sent him a mail detailing about his daily schedule.

I informed him about his schedule which had a important lunch meet regarding a merger.  Leaving his cabin I started my work. Within no time it was 12 o clock and the meeting was scheduled at 12.30. Picking up my bag, I met him in the half way. Both of us started in his car to the restaurant.

Entering the restaurant we seated in the table which I already booked for the meet. Mr. and Mrs. Agarwal came in no time.

Exchanging pleasantries we sat down.

Mrs Agarwal," We can talk about business afterwards. Let's order lunch."

Mr.Agarwal," Ok dear. Whatever you say."

Smiling at them, we proceeded with our orders. Till that time there were routine conversations were going on.
Shortly we received our food and started to dig in. My Boss couldn't keep himself shut. He started talking about the merger and slowly everyone of us started discussing business. After completing the lunch we decided to meet again next for a final meeting after that there will be official announcement of the merger.

We both started to office. The journey was silent but comfortable. My boss was driving the car and I sat beside him. Some song was playing in the radio.

" Up for an ice-cream" asked Abhik.

"There is always place for it in my tummy."

Soon Abhik stopped near a icecream parlor. Both of us ordered our icecreams sat there waiting.

" Do you remember whenever we had a hectic work week, both of us would treat ourselves with ice creams", Abhik said smiling remembering our days.

"Yes, remember how we used to discuss our whole week's trouble which we faced from our clients."

Reminiscing our days we completed our icecreams and returned office.

This week Sunday, there is anniversary party of Shravya di and Amit bhai.

Actually they invited all my family but maa,dev and diya are going to Village this week for some function.

Soon it was Sunday and in the morning I dropped my family to the railway station. Coming home I did head bath and pampered my skin after that. Not feeling like cooking anything I ordered lunch and took a nap for half an hour.

I got up from my nap and did some diy work which I do usually for timepass.

Soo it was 6o clock so I thought of getting ready. I washed my face and stood in front of my closet thinking what to wear. Shit yaar I should I decided yesterday only on what to wear. Thinking I thought of saree I took one which is very new.

Doing some make-up which I knew from YouTube and soon I started wearing the saree.

Doing some make-up which I knew from YouTube and soon I started wearing the saree

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It was already 7 and I started to my Boss's home where party was being held. It took me 45 mins to reach their place because of traffic.

Giving my car keys to valet I reached in their home. Quickly I met the couple and handed them my gift. After that I met my boss, Sneha aunty and Arjun uncle . As the cake cutting was planned outside in the garden soon everyone reached there. I too sat with my boss's cousins whom I know from sravya Di's marriage.

After that I started eating and took some ice cream I sat at a corner away from the noise and people.

Relishing my desert I was in my own world.

"Eating alone", said a voice startling me.
Turning my head I saw it was my boss was stood there grinning like an idiot.

"You scared the hell out of me."

"Damn, you always get scared. And eating alone without me, I thought we are icecream partners,"Said Abhik.

"Whatever, and I'm not going to share my icecream. So please don't eye it."

Abhik just laughed after listening to me.

Soon I completed and sat leisurely.

"I thought aunty,dev and diya will also come today", asked Abhik suddenly.

"There is some function in the village and they had to go."

"Did you enjoyed here today?" asked Abhik.

"I did. Your all cousins still remember me."

This week gonna be hectic, said Abhik.

"I know with all the meetings... Godd. I will actually take my leave now. "

Saying that I stood up.

'You know you can stay here. You get afraid staying alone right", Abhik suggested it.

" You remember?" I asked him. you know, I'll talk with aunt if you want, he said.

"Actually I got little habituated to it. I'll be fine now," I answered him.

Abhik,"Okay, but please don't forget to message me after reaching home."

Bidding everyone bye I started home.

I reached home and quickly sending my boss message I changed and fell on the bed.

Making a quick call to my mom I slept.

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