Chapter 4:New sonic

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Tails point of view

I than open the tube and sonic came out, I than realize his gloves were turning red in the spot he's been touching ever since I came here"sonic what's with your gloves move your hand"he than look at his gloves and turn around "its nothing tails"

"It's not "

"What the-...what happen to your voice something wrong sonic show me"I than try to grab his arm and he turn around and slap my arm off he than gasped "sorry tails" And shadow than slap sonic and took off his arm he-

"What happen to your mouth you weren't like that in the tube" I than notice some blue splinters in the long cut in his mouth "You cut yourself sonic why?" He than looked down and looked back at me he looked like he was going to say something but got pulled backed "I pun-"

"Sonic come here shadow will patch you up"I than left the room

Shadow point of view

"Come here Sonic"I said when tails left the room "NO"and I was confused I know he hates hospital but I'm not one

"Let it be a scar it's my punishment I need to remember for what I have done"Now I was more confused what was he talking about

"Sonic stop being a baby"Sonic than started running around and than I sigh and started chasing him he fell and I held him bridal style

And I looked down staring at him and he return the stare than before we know it we were blushing and than I went toward him

I notice this before Sonic and pulled away

And I blush even more the color of a rose and turn away and put Sonic in a chair a patch him up with aid kit

I than look at Sonic eyes and he was blushing too I finish patching the big ugly scar and than I left the room and said "well... You can do whatever you want now except going outside"

Sonic point of view

I was still blushing after we almost kiss I than heard a voice say

You should have kicked him in the gutsl

I than agree and got out of the room and hit shadow in the guts and took out my tounge and sat at the couch he than went outside and left

Tails was cooking chili dogs I than felt sick and went to the bathroom and threw up and went back to the couch I than play cartoons tom and Jerry

"AHA that mouse sucks at running unlike me hahahaha" Tails than came in and said "the food is ready let's go Sonic.

"Can I just eat in the couch" And than I continue watching TV he than brought chili dogs again

"There enjoy Sonic" I look at the chili dogs and wonder what is that "Tails what is this it looks like bread and sauce" Tails than took a big sigh and said "This is your favorite how can't you not know it's hotdog with chili.

I took a bite in front of tails and than spit it out "ewww how can I like that it taste nasty, some pig would probably eat that I'll just skip dinner"

Tails point of view

I was surprised Sonic said such a thing to his favorite food and I work so hard

I than grabbed the chili dogs and ate alone "Sonic really change" It was time for bed and he was still watching TV I told him goodnight and went to bed


I heard talking in Sonic room and I went next to his door and heard him say "kill tails? Why he's my friend nothing more and nothing less why should I kill him"

My heart broke when I heard him say I was nothing more or less is like he forgot I was his brother and suggest killing me? But who is he talking to?

Of course he forgot its part of the chemical

Than he continue "Don't hurt me...... You-"and than their was silent "NOOOO... Ok I'll come back"Sonic said and I heard him fall and I ran to his room and catch him in time

I saw him sweating and so I brought him to my room and we slept together I slept in the bottom of the bed and he slept at the top (not what you think you dirty minded people)

5:31 am

I woke up again to hear Sonic stuttering in his sleep I couldn't exactly make out his words but he said "No I didn't hurt him they did they did that's why I left"I stare at him, who is he talking about

I got worried and woke Sonic up he woke up and his eyes were darker green and I backed away when I saw this

"Uhh I'm going to shadows house Sonic don't go outside."

"Ok.." Than he went back to sleep

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