18. Dessert

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The steaks were busy sizzling in the frying pan while Draco had gone for a hot shower.  Telling Harry that he wasn't allowed to join him, otherwise their dinner would end up being burnt.  And there wasn't a vampire alive who ate burnt meat.

"I am the only vampire alive Draco", retorted Harry, earning him a slap upside his head.  

He opened a bottle of red wine, put together a salad, and made a pepper sauce to go with their steaks.  He wasn't sure how well done Draco liked his meat, but if he knew the man as well as he thought he did, then not too bloody.

Sitting at the table, eating and drinking, talking and laughing, they felt the tension leave their shoulders after a while.  It felt good to be home, to have some sort of normalcy back in their lives.  

Except normal wasn't a word that would ever describe Harry's life ever again.  He was a fucking vampire, and his devious sexual lust was garnered towards Draco bloody Malfoy.  But he wasn't complaining.

Draco groaned at the taste of the food and the wine exploding on his tongue, and Harry thought that he was going to have a heart attack.  After the third groan, Harry slammed his knife and fork down and said in a very sexy voice, "If you don't stop that, then we will have to have dessert before you even finish your meal", with a smirk.

Draco took another bite and chewed the meat, then before swallowing he took a sip of his wine, and - ha ha ha - he groaned.  Wanting Harry to put his words into actions.  Be the brave bloody Gryffindor that everyone knows you are.

Harry pulled him off his chair and started kissing him deeply.  The taste of the wine still on their tongues, they weren't going to hold back tonight.  Harry had wanted Draco ever since he had woken up and found himself tied to a bed.  He really really wanted to fuck him so hard, and he wanted to make love to him.  In essence he wanted to own Draco.

"Please let me have you", he breathed out, and kissed Draco again.  Draco started opening the buttons on Harry's shirt, and then pulled it off his shoulders to let it drop to the floor.  They stopped their kissing, looking into each other's eyes.  

"You have had me Harry - since fourth year", he stated, making Harry's green eyes go dark with lust.  Harry picked him up so that Draco's legs could wrap around his waist, and started leading him to the lounge.  He was going to fuck him in front of the fireplace.  And anyone who came calling, would get an eyeful.

"I'm so desperate for you", he panted out, and kissed Draco along his neck while still walking with him.  When they were on the carpet, Harry put Draco down carefully, and ripped his shirt off his body.  Looking at the toned chest muscles, he was filled with elation, that he was the one who would get to taste such perfection.

He was the one who was going to savor each and every touch.  They removed each other's clothes - which thank Merlin there wasn't a lot of - and with a flick of Harry's wrist, there was a soft plush blanket laid out with some pillows.

Draco laid himself backward on the pillows, while Harry was still standing and watching his every move.  Draco was gorgeous, he wasn't going to deny that anymore.  But it was more than that.  His scent and his insults were what kept Harry going back for more.  And if he would have him, if Draco would have Harry after tonight, then their futures were going to be phenomenal.

His cock was standing at full mast between his legs, red and engorged, and he couldn't wait to be buried balls deep inside Draco.  He was looking at the blond man, all over, his eyes raking in as much as he could.  His cock stiff and ready to be taken, he looked beautiful.

"Merlin Harry - you're stunning", said Draco causing the hero to blush.  He lay down on top of Draco and captured his mouth in another kiss - murmuring words the whole time with each kiss ending - 'you're the beautiful one Draco' - and - 'God I want you baby', so much so that had Draco moan at the praise that he was being given.

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