8. Confusion

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Harry told Hermoine he would be with her soon and went to the bathroom to palm his aching cock through his jeans.  He had ignored the stares and the whispers, because as far as he was concerned, what he had just done, had nothing to do with anyone.  

They just had to learn their place, and if it took his powerful magic and a rock hard cock to send his message, well then, better for him.

He leaned his head against the wall and groaned at the contact.  He really wanted to taste the blond in every single form, but not here and not now.  He willed his dick to start paying attention to him and not the perfect arse that belonged to Draco Malfoy.  Eventually when he felt it go down a bit, he exhaled and left the cubicle to wash his hands and his face.

Harry knew he had been a prick to David.  Who was he to dictate who could be Draco's friends?  He would have to apologize to the blond, telling him that he didn't know what came over him.

Everyone was talking in the corridors and their offices about how his magic had caused a stir, making coffee cups explode and then repair.  

So much so, that Snape had started receiving owls and rushed back to the DMLE to find out exactly what had happened to make Harry look 'evil and terrifying' as the others were calling it.

Snape burst into his office, and saw that Hermoine was already talking to him.  "Potter?", he snarled out.  

He raised his head where he had been speaking to his friend and looked at Snape.

"What?", he answered.

"I've received owls saying that you lost your shit in the staff room - people calling you evil.  Want to tell me what happened?", he asked.

"Nothing happened", he mumbled with shame, not really wanting to go into detail.  

Ron looked at Hermoine and Snape, and thought he would ease the tension.

"David was touching Draco, and Harry didn't like it", he stated, hoping that she would get the message, but causing Harry to blush and Snape to roll his eyes.

"Oh Harry", she sighed taking a seat.  

"You can't let that get to you.  Everyone needs human contact now and then", she said.

"Potter - David and Draco are friends, you stupid Gryffindor", spat Snape.

"You're right - I'm sorry", he said, not sorry at all.

She swallowed and knew that Harry was in so deep.  And she also knew that it was more that Draco's blood that had Harry react the way he did.

"I'm sure that David meant nothing by it, but your reaction tells them things Harry", she said.

"I know - I need to go home", he replied with a pout.  

He rubbed his face, and refused to say anything more on the matter.  He packed up his desk, threw his coat over his arm and said goodbye to his friends.  He considered going to say goodbye to Draco, but held back. 

The blond probably didn't want to see him out of disgust, he thought.  Oh well.  He made his way towards the Floo system, and heard voices coming from a door that had been left slightly open.  

He leaned in, wanting to hear what was being said.

"Holy shit - did you see his face?", asked the one.

"Yeah.  He looked pissed", said another.

"I've never seen that look on him", said a third person.

"I have - it's a  look of determination, not anger", came the voice of Draco Malfoy.

As one, Harry heard as some shifting went on, as all heads turned towards Draco asking for an explanation.

And Harry couldn't wait to hear what was going to be said, and held his breath.

"He is passionate about everything - maybe he thought that David was hurting me.  Potter doesn't only show his emotions, he wears them on his sleeve for fucks sake.  Silly Gryffindor", said Malfoy with a sigh.

"I'm going to have to tell him that David and I are friends, and have been for quite a while". said Draco.

With each word, Harry felt his stomach flutter.  As if Draco was praising him, and his act of protection.  

That was until he spoke about being David's friend.

Before he could think on it more, a voice spoke again.

"Where have you seen that look on Potter before?".

"Every time on the Quidditch pitch.  When he is with his friends, I used to insult them.  His face would get this look that said - don't fuck with me - I've seen that look on his face more times that I can tell you.  Even during the war, he just has this presence that you can't ignore", he said with a laugh.

Harry was loving the sounds that were coming from the blond - oh man he was so fucked!

His exhaled his breath, and wondered if Draco would show up at his house again tonight.  He certainly hoped so. 

He did wear his emotions on his sleeve, but he didn't know any other way.  He was a lover, and fuck anyone who didn't like it.  Apparently nobody did, because when Harry thought on it, he had never seen anyone show emotions in the same way that he did.

He was going to have to find a way to thank Draco for his kind words, and apologize for how he had handled the situation in the staff room.  He thought that maybe he should invite him for dinner.  

Not your conventional sit at the table kind of dinner - no - the one where he would rip Draco's clothes off and eat his arse out as if it were his last meal kind.

Yeah right, like that was ever going to happen.

He swallowed thickly and left the Ministry in a flash of green flames.  

After landing in his lounge, he drew the curtains and turned all the lights off.  Walking to his fridge, he wanted to nibble on something - preferably Malfoy's arse - but that wasn't going to be in his near future, so he settled for cold pizza.

He called his owl and wrote a note to Hermoine, hoping to all the magical gods that she would be able to help him.  

He had a hot shower after eating, and went to bed completely naked, after receiving and reading the reply from his friend.  

He thought about sending an owl to Draco, but decided against it.  He closed his Floo so that no one could enter - perhaps it was better that way.  (No, it wasn't!)

With a confused and heavy heart, Harry managed to sleep some that night.

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