11. Hunger

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The rest of the day was spent going over cases, and mainly doing paperwork.  With Harry too freaked out to leave his office until Malfoy had left, he stayed where he was and didn't even go to the staff room for lunch.  

Ron saw how he was avoiding everyone and brought him back a sandwich and a cup of tea.  Harry was thankful for his friend, and while he munched, he tried to put all the feelings of lust to the back of his mind.

And he was succeeding - up to a point.  It was shortly before home time that his head started to ache, and with a jerk he suddenly realized that he was hungry.  

Not your run of the mill hunger, the sandwich had been quite sufficient sustenance.  

And if he had to think on it, he couldn't really call it hunger.  

It was thirst.  

And it was driving him crazy.

The last potion that had passed his lips was the one that had raspberries in it, so his vampire needs had still not actually been met.  Hermoine had promised him that she was going to bring him a vial before leaving, but she had gone home a while ago.

Harry, meanwhile, had no potion to drink.  All the vials were at his house, and he knew that if he didn't drink it soon, he was going to lose his shit.  

Something that he couldn't afford to do - not here at the Ministry.  

He stood up on shaky legs and made his way to the corridor.  He stopped at the reception desk just outside his office and asked who the healer was on duty.

After being told that it was Snape, he breathed a sigh of relief and made his way towards the medical center so that he could be given a potion.  After knocking, Snape opened his door, and raised a brow.

"Potter", he said and tilted his head.

"Professor Snape - I need...", he started to say, and then opened his mouth showing off his very impressive fangs - trying to deliver a message that he needed blood - now!

"Come in Potter - I know the potion you drank earlier did nothing for you", he said and closed the door while he went to his stores to get what Harry needed.

He arrived back in no time and handed a vial to Harry.  He saw how Harry's body would start to vibrate, just from the scent that was assaulting his nostrils.  How his eyes would darken, and his pupils would become larger.  How his top lip would lift almost in an impatient snarl.

Watching as he opened it with his mind, and downed it in one go, he braced himself for any other reaction.  This was not a new potion, it was the one that had Draco's blood in it, because he didn't have any others at the moment.  He was also not going to chance giving him a new blood type, seeing as the last one almost killed him.

After swallowing it, Harry licked his lips and looked at Snape from underneath his eyelashes.  Aware that he was being watched, and also very aware of his cock making a full grown comeback, he waited for the Professor to say something. 

Except he was silent.  Thanking Snape, he threw the vial in the bin, and made his way towards the Floo Network so that he could go home and have a good wank in his shower.  Maybe he should have one in his bed too, just for good measure.  Hell, he would even fist himself in the kitchen if he wanted, the blood was just that good.

Snape nodded and after closing his door, made some notes on his page about what he had seen coming from Potter - their new resident vampire.

There was a hunger inside Harry, and it was not one that he was willing to show to others.  He had an indescribable lust for Draco - but he knew that he would have to curb those thoughts.  There was no way that he would ever come between friends or even lovers.  

And what was it that Draco had said?

'David and I have been friends for quite a while'

The way that he had portrayed himself the other night when he put his hand around Draco's throat, he most definitely didn't want a repeat of that.  Well actually, that's not true.  He did want to feel that pulse of life under his palm again.

Harry was a strong wizard, and now a very strong vampire.  

But he was a weak man when it came to wanting beautiful things.  And Draco Malfoy didn't only have beauty, he was the whole package.

He was snarky.  Witty, kind, funny, intelligent - and his blood!  Oh gods, his blood got Harry's blood pumping.  All the way down to his cock, but that's not the point.  Well it is, but what was Harry going to do about it.

He arrived home and started dinner.  It was rump steak and chips.  Plain and simple, easy to make - and after that he would shower and sleep.  

See ?  

No problem - except there was.  

He had a hunger, but he was going to have to hide it and brace himself for whatever was on the horizon.  He would accept the blood and even though he knew, that others knew, his cock would stand at attention just from that, he would not pursue it.  He would not!

Christ life was unfair.  He turned the steak in the frying pan, causing it to sizzle.  He took a deep breath and after his food was done and his plate was full, he turned his stove off and started eating.

The steak wasn't raw, but it wasn't well done either.  When his knife sliced through the first juicy piece, the inside of the meat was still red, and Harry rolled his eyed in appreciation at the taste that hit his tongue.  He licked his lips and chewed, and wondered if Malfoy would taste like this if he were to eat him out.


Smothering his chips in tomato sauce and salt, chastising himself for his perverted thoughts of the blond, he carried on eating until his plate was clean.  Every single bite had gained a groan from him, and when he looked down, he saw that his cock was still standing at full mast between his legs.  

What he wouldn't give to shove that down Malfoy's throat.  He palmed himself through his jeans, hoping to anyone that would listen that he was fed up with this shit, he couldn't carry on like this.  How was he going to do his work and concentrate with this shit?

A permanent fucking hard on.
A hunger that was never going to be satisfied.

Harry made the decision that night, that he was going to avoid Malfoy.  Drinking his blood would have to suffice for now, and if he really really wanted to, he could jerk himself off to the taste.  Yes, that would have to work.

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